
21st Century Digital Boys

The punchline to this--of course--is Ain't life a mystery, yeah?

When I woke up Monday morning, I had some depression and a side of angst. It wasn't any personal sand getting in my oyster shell, it was just the return to work after a week off. As I tend to do, I visited this place. Now, usually when I visit it's in a non-posting capacity to keep the sidebar updated on the off chance someone's looking on and wondering what I'm reading, etc.

So before I hit the blogs and links I saw a comment under the new Starfuckers entry. Now, any comments always get my attention due to their rarity (and, of course, the ego stroke that means I'm not tilting at windmills doing this). This really grabbed my attention because nobody responds to the Starfuckers entries.

You can go down and see it's from Daniel Womack. Now I haven't brought him up before, and most of my friends haven't heard or seen his name before. As Lewis Black taught you, there is a reason.

Up until about six hours ago, we hadn't seen each other for about 12 years. In my pre-pubescent youth, he was my best friend. We lived pretty close, hung out a lot. But high school took over, and we started splintering off our seperate ways. To be honest, I hadn't thought of him in a few years.

But that comment...

So I find out he's still around in town, and married a woman I knew but have long since forgotten (12 YEARS, people! Don't cluck disapprovingly at me!). After some fuckups on my part, we finally got together tonight.

And I'm not exactly sure why, nor do I care in depth, but in a lot of ways the missed time might as well have not existed. We got along just the same as we did in the way back when, and we were able to conversate on a intellectual and normal guy stupid way as well. I maintain as I did to him this probably wouldn't happen if one of us was female. Instead, we bowled (139 [third-best], 113, 116 --3-0 with a big closeout flurry in the middle game to win by a pin) and ate and pretty much played catchup when we felt like it. He got a lot of the Rosser Greatest Hits in the gap left. The Liz story. Starbucks COFFEE?! The Comic-Con this year. "Do you make 100,000 a year before taxes?" The noise I heard at the Memorial Day bikini pageant. The crazy shit I got into Friday night. The even crazier shit I got into the first time I got drunk.

The thing of it was, the oddness was caused not by the time apart, but by the fact the time apart didn't cause any oddness. You can go back and reread that 'cause I swear that makes sense. We didn't really change at our cores is the reason I'd like to think. He said it's because I'm pretty unflappable, and for once that wasn't apathy showing. Time does what it does, but that just gave us story fodder. And Liz, feel grateful: your story is absolute free-drink GOLD. We talked about the advances of technology progressing in our void and I believe I may have sold him a copy of NCAA 05 off of word of mouth. We played that "being back at the high school distorts one's perception of self-age". Other's sentences were finished. To give you a sample of the evening, he gave off a quick Lumbergh bite. I of course recognized it. Then I got to tell the story of how Cristal and I got together.

It was the sort of night where we hung out amicably, pulled to my place at 1 and talked for another hour about everything and nothing.

It was really fucking awesome, and it might not even be 12 days before we're once again hanging out. And outside of the smallest fraction of a connection via PGE it wouldn't've happened. He thought of ESPN, which made him think of me. (Pre-pubescent; all the time I talk about and spend thinking about pussy now was devoted to sports then. Now it's a time-share.) And he happened to find me, and we got along, and to quote young Hova it's back as if we never left.

So if ever I write about this thing being worthless, and/or unseen, point me to this post and clout me one.

His blog's in the ranks. Go say hi.

I mean, worse comes to worse we'll have one hell of a convo in 2017.

Ambient music: Coldplay's "Trouble"


Anonymous said...

I don't believe this story.

Married people don't do things on their OWN!

(In all seriousness, though-- good on ya' boys. My friend like that is Shari. I won't see her in sweet FOREVER and we always pick up where we left off.)

Anonymous said...

Dammit, the above post was Jason.