
Friday Barometer™

ALBA: I'm out of old cell phone debt! Done, done, done! No more living in fear of the 10 a.m. wakeup call! No more worrying about that thing before Natalie! Huzzah!

BUSH: No money for a couple days. Still worth it.

ALBA: Aaron, for the major assist.

ALBA: Paying his way to Vegas. I owe him that much. Fig/lit.

ALBA: Hey, by the way, did I mention I'm going to LAS VEGAS for HALLOWEEN!? Once? Well, let me say it again--I'm going to Las Vegas for Halloween! The modern-day American goulash of hedonism and depravity on the holiest of all Pagan holidays! Vegas girls in costumes! STRIPPERS in costumes! More friends! I am less a man than A GOD.

BUSH: ...what the fuck is my costume going to be?

ALBA: Last Saturday. Seriously, that went about as flawless as it could sans me getting digits. I still might've been able to if I'd gotten in sooner and wasn't so busy with all the free shots.

ALBA: Kicking my brother's ass on Madden, 50 (Jags) - 23 (Bengals) to run my record to about 10-0. Two interception returns for TDs right before the half ended killed him. He was up 10-7. And then WHAP. Ah, well.

BUSH: As grown up as I'd like to think I am, I enjoyed that curbstomping entirely too much.

ALBA: "Move Along" by the Rejects. If I'm not working the FOB/AAR concert I may find myself there. Just to visit. Yes.

ALBA: And we are under two weeks to the birthday party!

ALBA: Still in January, two of the three three-month resolutions I've made have either passed or are about to.

BUSH: Got to get back in and get those 3 dates down.

"Love And Happiness" by Al Green

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