
You All Suck

Why didn't somebody--anybody--tell me how good Veronica Mars is?

Finks! The lot of you, finks!

This post is brought to you BAH: "Where Is My Mind?" by the Pixies


Butch Rosser said...

You? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

I heard it's filmed in San Diego..... another plus.

Anonymous said...

It is filmed here and it is a good show. I am surprised at you for not knowing about this already butch. Let's just hope you haven't cursed it to be cancelled now that you know it exists...

Daniel Womack said...

Oh and Kevin Smith only showed on there once to my knowledge, so don't expect that every time out.

oops. Was that the episode you watched?

*wicked smile*

Matt said...

You clearly haven't spoken to Dupin in about 12 months.

Cindylover1969 said...

At least this is lasting longer than Rob "Not the guy from Matchbox 20" Thomas's last show (the wonderful and unfairly cancelled Cupid).

Rob T said...

Uh, Dupin's been raving about this show for eons.

What rock have YOU been under?

Anonymous said...

I remember Cupid, I liked Cupid too.