
What's Hate And Love Got To Do With It?

HATE: They brought down the Babe Index! Just when I was getting off the anal-retentive habit of making full lists, listing last month's rankings and peak positions. Figures.

HATE: This is the last day of my weekend. Five days after this. Is there anyway I can get money for sitting on my ass besides joining Congress?

LOVE: Swingers, even if I still can't watch the Most Awkward Scene In Movie History. The physical representation of your friend telling a joke about you that cuts way deeper than it appears but you don't want to bring any attention to yourself so you give one of those "ha HA" laughs while inside it feels like you just got punched in the chest by a Buick.

LOVE: Sunny Delight, version 1.

LOVE: My friend Amanda back in town for the weekends; I still owe her a Saturday night of wilding out.

LOVE: The thing about having weekdays off is you never know what's going to pop up on the tele. I mean, you'd think a weekday afternoon would be a dead zone without PTI, but right now I'm half-watching some idiot blowing it on Blind Date, There's Something About Mary's on FX (even though I own it, it's still great), they rerun Ed on TBS--which I hadn't been aware of until a week ago--and Celebrity Poker Showdown is going to be on in the bottom of the hour. I know I'm supposed to go buy the Father's Day present at some point today, but there are just too many options!

LOVE: The Rick James Memorial Summer Jam is coming along nicely, with friends in and more hot girls than guys. Everyone who wants to know the real secret to throwing a good party: get hot girls to show up. Hot girls travel in packs. Hot girls attract guys. And there you go.

HATE: Everybody jumping on the Jessica Alba bandwagon. Where is my credit? Where is my dap? The first local man to bring a pimp cup to the clubs, a Rick James wig, a World Championship belt, the man who in 2002 said Reese's needed to make a big-ass peanut butter cup, and do I even get a sniff of credit for innovation? Of course not.

HATE: The friend coming of Aaron's who asked "Who is Rick James?" She better be, like, MERILYNN hot to get away with that.

LOVE: Party tomorrow! Do I know anybody besides Aaron? Does it matter?

LOVE: Hilary Duff expanding her acting portfolio to science fiction; apparently she's in some sort of bizarro world that looks like ours in this one except Heather freaking Locklear can't get a date. I'd like to visit that place, I think I could be president.

HATE: With the door slam, my brother is officially on summer vacation. He wakes me up early once, I shall kill him.

Current music: "It's Only Rock n' Roll" by the Stones


Anonymous said...

The who is Rick James was a joke, I believe. But then again, I have believed many wrong things in the past. -Aaron

Daniel Womack said...

A good friend of mine, Mike McQuown wrote the original screenplay for this with his friend Heather Robinson. Apparently it's based off a real life story with Heather and her mom. Then when Hollywood decided to produce it, they brought in some stiff named Gina something-or-other and the re-write became what you'll see on screen...or rather what you WON'T see on screen. They've turned a fairly decent storyline into a damned Hilary Duff movie with a completely unbelievable cast. Heather Locklear can't find a man? WHAT? Geez. Now granted Hilary was slated to be the daughter all along but it was supposed to be sort of a stretch role for her. You know, like another 2 hour Lizzy McGuire episode. Instead...it's worse.