
Biggest Con of Them All (reprise)

Well, that bitch Meg Hart's scrambled my head for the time being so a lot of the wacky joy's gone.

No Duckshoot at all.  Didn't even SEE her this year.  Pwamp.  No Biel, either.  And Madsen Jewed out of comeuppance autograph-wise, and Iyari Limon won't be around until tomorrow.

On the other hand, I got a bunch of Buffy midcarders' autographs all over my work itinerary of the day just like last year: Adam, two-thirds of the Trio (Danny Strong remembers me from last year and I owe him a beer if I see him on the outside), and a couple others.

Special note to Michael Keith Dupin: Ms. Calendar is not only hotter in person, she's gotten hotter since the show got off the air.  In additon AAAAAAAAAHAHAAHAHA YOU SUCK.

Pictures of these events will also be coming next week, hopes this humble scribe.  All of them were quite amazed at the digital camera's tiny goodness, which made me feel synchronously very damn cool and very damn UNcool. 

Tomorrow, SMG's in the building.  Trishelle possibly giving away lap dances.  Iyari & Madsen.  Matt Groening.  And, of course, Nick Van Exel's twin sister. 

Seriously, I will kill that bitch. 

Ambient music: Love & Rockets' "So Alive"

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