
Patience, Monty. Climb the ladder.

I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way
I'm taking my time but I don't know where

Well, this marks the second straight year that wasn't the worst of my life. I'm going to be cheeky and constitute that as being on a roll.

Of course it could've gone better, I could've gotten that apartment and a girl could've the building block I would've built my life around, but we all know the latter's never ever going to happen and I'll have to shoot Bush to get Alba's attention, so...

I really thought I'd hit the wall this year. My friends were quite horrified when I celebrated my 24th birthday alone, presentless, and with a message that merely contained the lyrics to "You Know You're Right".

I had no motivation to do much of anything, and it showed. I finally got a job in June, and that seemed to reinforce my lack of motivation. I'm just kidding. In reality, as much as I despise it sometimes, it was pretty much the kick in the ass I desperately needed to not grow roots to the floor in my room. I got to do a bunch of stuff that'd always sounded cool but never done for one reason or another. Got to see the Black-Attell-Hedberg comedy show, which not only hurt the hell out of my face but also made sure I never looked at egg nog the same way again. I got to see my first wrestling show and even though Brock went over Rey he should've and the match was good. Plus I advanced to Thuganomics 151. *double horns* I got to see R.E.M. live which I only assumed would happen when I got famous and they were playing out the string. And I got to get down on the dance floor.

It is for all those reasons and cosmic justice that I would like to, in advance, declare 2004 my bitch and defy it to prove me wrong. Apartment. Woman. Frightening amount of joy. Book it.

And have a Happy New Year.

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