
This Is the Running First Anniversary Noise That Keeps Me Awake

==> Goddamn, I hate me some computer right now. Ever since late last week, every time I've been on this thing has been an experience of building character. That's adult for fucking sucks. Riddled with problems, shit just quitting on me in mid-use. I've ran Spybot but that doesn't seem to be stopping things from sneaking into Program Files and whatnot. All the stuff in the CTL+ALT+DEL menu hasn't responded since 2002 right now. *sigh*

=> Nothing says a year of work like five straight days off.

=> Screw you, Randy Orton! I had that same front on my Keith Scott Zimmerman MARK ADVISORY EXPLICIT WORKRATE shirt last summer! On the other hand, I am all about the newest installment of shirt-wearing Mattitude.

=> Evolution was hilarious last night. Batista giving Eugene the thumbs-up just killed me for some reason. Ric Flair greets new friends the way I greet new friends! The Pedigree tease was perfectly done, too.

=> How come one of the major networks (by which I mean whoever's in 3rd) hasn't adopted the "start part of the new season in the summer" tactic to get new viewers?

=> The passing of Ralph Wiley was highly depressing, as I looked up to him as a unique voice with his own style who was knowledgeable about a subject but in a way you didn't have to be a diehard to follow along. Maybe just because I wanted to do what he did, but still. Condolences to all affected by him and especially his family.

=> This half-segues into my hatred for the healthy lifestyle. He ran a lot, seemed to be in perfect shape, had been on a radio show a day earlier, boom! Heart attack! And he was 53. Look, not to get too exisistential in what has become the playground of my mind, but if you're going to die, you're going to die, and getting bread-less hamburgers and half-assed Ben & Jerry's isn't going to do shit to stop it. Like Emeril says, "Life's too short to drink bad wine."

=> Kate Beckinsale is SO underrated.

=> I think we just had an earthquake. Everything was moving around a little for 15 seconds and then just stopped. Weird. First quake I haven't slept through and I've been out here since I was forming coherent thought.

=> The Reno 911 commericals own you, and you motherbitches know the ones I'm talking about.

=> Nobody else'll say it? I will: "I'm Rick James, bitch.": The Movie has the potential to be this generation's This Is Spinal Tap.

=> If you don't like the big-ass peanut butter cups, I don't know ya.

=> Watching Season 7 Buffy, I can only think one thing: heh, Kennedy smells like tangerines.

=> And I'm off to Tijuana! If the Lakers win, a fesitve sombrero. Should they lose, my body weight in Corona. Back later, vatos...

=> Damn, Mexico rules.

=> I took a few pictures and now hopefully I can upload the digicam software properly. Just a few boring shots of Yes The Border Is 10 Minutes From Home. But still!

=> Let me tell you what rules about Mexico: the conversion rate. 11 pesos to the buck. So I got to see Harry Potter for $5 at 7:30 at night. It ruled. (Innovative deux ex machina that actually made sense. Plus, Hermoine is going to be the New Hotness in '08. Ya heard.) I got popcorn for $2.50--a big ass thing I couldn't even finish--and the guy working the counter wanted to know where I got my bomb-ass Stewie Griffin VICTORY IS MINE jacket. Then, I got 12 bottles of the sweet nectar known as a bottled Mexican Coca-Cola...

...for $4.32. THIRTY FIVE DAMN CENTS A BOTTLE! I can't even buy a freaking newspaper anymore for 35 but I got sweet, sweet sodas! And they were selling rifles in the damn aisle! RIFLES! Unbelievable. Oh, and I got hassled coming back from the border, due to my notorious coyote days. But THIRTY FIVE CENTS! DAMN!

=> In regards to Game 5, :(

So, there it was, the anniversary. Later days.

Ambient music: Domino's "Sweet Potato Pie"

1 comment:

Johnny B said...

"The Reno 911 commericals own you, and you motherbitches know the ones I'm talking about."

So get up/get, get down/911 is joke in yo' town...