
Bill Murray would be proud. Kingpin Bill, not Garfield Bill.

That's right, motherbitches, another bowling update du jour:

106, 138, 107, 101.

The roll is still on, but let me delve into that opening 106 a little more.

I went with a couple friends from work, and it's the tenth frame and I'm down almost 20. I've had a bad game by the new standards and my friend Aaron's up. So, I go through my routine (which will stay TOP SECRET without payment), and fire.


I feel good.

I lock the gun up again, aim, fire.

And suddenly I feel a wave of something that's not nausea, right as the pins at the end of the lane go down in a heap as if struck by a sky blue wrecking ball. And the girls are hooting, and he's looking nervous, and Oliver Sudden I know I have his lunch money. "Are you ready?" I ask him. "Are you ready to call me Vin Diesel?" He's shaking his head.

Back at it.







That's right, your friendly local neighborhood Negro came from behind to win a game with three strikes in the 10th. Bow. HARD.

Ambient music: Green Day's cover of "Tired Of Waiting For You"


Michael said...


Johnny B said...

Now all you need to do is start pitching horseshoes and we can call you Walter Ray Williams III.

Anonymous said...

Butch, you of course failed to mention your being obliterated in the 3rd game by 78 points. Take your victories but don't hide your failures.