
AvB: Friday Barometer

ALBA: Elastica. I miss Elastica.

ALBA: So far, the novel is going good. With the minimum to get to 50k in a month 1,700 I decided to really push for getting down 2k a day, and so far have been able to do it. It hasn't come without struggle, or extreme exhaustion when I'm done most nights, but I'm on my pace which is fairly ahead of the minimum pace. Plus, I am apparently doing well and not just shoveling shit from a standing position. I'm frightened given the fact I have a 3:1 major female character to major male character in the story about writing women (the Nicholson Caveat don't work) but that seems to be going fine so far as well.

BUSH: No idea what I'm going to get down tonight. I'm about halfway through January and the next major thing coming up in my mind is early February.

BUSH: I hate having to stay up to 1 a.m. and trying to write so my mom doesn't interrupt my writing mode. I'd much rather write scene(s) in a single session, because I may write something that'll blossom into something else. And I can't do that with her running in here.

BUSH: My brother's sick, and Mom was sick earlier this week. Hand to Jessica, if these fuckers get me sick during NaNo, I'm going to make Carrie White look like a misunderstood waif. Especially given the fact it looks like I have a winning formula this year.

ALBA: Team Steve plays tonight, in their biggest challenge of the Rosser Era. We're missing some people--a couple suspiciously--but I have intristic faith my coaching abilities will lead us to the prize. I actually have a pregame speech ready, too.

BUSH: $3.something over in my checking account--$33 overage charge. Insert McEnroe soundbite here.

ALBA: The block party went well. People loved the costume.

BUSH: Running into Sophia.

ALBA: She apologized.

ALBA: Deleting her number anyway; crazy don't come out in the wash.

BUSH: Because my mom got sick on Halloween, I had to take care of her and my Grandmother, so I missed hanging out with Aaron and Merilynn. GHM. What other explanation is there? Seriously!

BUSH: Must get Christmas job. Otherwise nobody's going to get Christmas, at least from me.

ALBA: It's really sad I've been putting it off a couple days, but the novel's going real well.

BUSH: All my condolences to Danny on Steph's passing. I'd be there tomorrow if I couldn't work. But you know you have all my support, all my time, and anything else from me you need if I can give it.

R.I.P. Stephanie Lynn Womack
4.9.82 - 11.1.05

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