

HATE: THIS FUCKING COLD. I don't know what's going on when three straight nights of NyQuil fail to knock a cold the hell out the box but it's happened now. I think the cold my stupid brother had last week mixed with one of the people's colds that were going around work this past week and they banded together to make some particularly annoying strain of hypercold that is just a big-time pain in the fucking ass.

HATE: I'm stuck in the house. I finally get a week off, and now I'm stuck in the house trying to beat this thing down for at least the forseeable future.

HATE: Having no money. I've come to the realization I need money. Money can be used in exchange for goods and services, as Homer J. put it so eloquently.

HATE: If I had money, I couldn't leave the house anyway because of the fucking cold. If I didn't have the fucking cold, I still wouldn't have any fucking money. So here I sit.

HATE: Missing out on Poker Night.

HATE: Reeling off a fat string of Hates for the topic, but being broke and sick is about as craptacular as it gets. Let's see if I can't right the ship a bit.

LOVE: Actually being off this weekend and sick (though hopefully the latter will go away) will enable me to stay holed up in my room and watch the NBA playoffs.

LOVE: The NBA playoffs. I'm really interested to see San Antonio/Denver as the Nuggets have been Lloyd Banks since getting Karl on board and Duncan's injury might be more serious than the Antonians are letting on. Plus, the idea of someone losing who got next to Eva Longoria is always good. Even the East is up-and-down intriguing this year between the Pistons trying to repeat, the Heat trying to Shaq-Fu them over, the sudden resurgence of the Bulls and Wizards and even the Pacers trying to sneak in there. Good times.

LOVE: Charles Barkley on commentary, because the man simply refuses to give a rat's ass whether the camera is on or not. You always know at some point during a show he's going to say something that's going to make Ernie cringe that nobody else would have the balls to say.

HATE: The prospect of thunderstorms this weekend. That shit is scary; the only way I like "Thunderstruck" is by AC/DC.

LOVE: My peoples, holding me down. Gotten some calls in the past week I wasn't expecting, and it's always nice to hear from people. Plus, I got a really nice e-mail from my friend Diane, who I haven't seen since roughly 1836. I'm kidding. 1837.

LOVE: Got my WrestleMania recap done with the time I had holed up in the place. At least outside of the occassional headache I'm able to sit down and bang it out on the keys sometimes.

LOVE: AMC for having the cojones to put on Lake Placid after Silence of the Lambs.

Next Friday I will be healthy and have money.

LOVE: I hope to refurbish Danny's bowling kindness by taking him out to the Strip Club next weekend at some point. Hopefully I won't be up to the gills in work, though...

Ambient music: Garbage - #1 Crush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know I said I wanted to see you for my birthday this weekend, but if you r super virus meets up with my slightly sore throat, I'll be screwed. Next weekend?