
Four Steps Back, Two Steps Forward

Thanks to the July 20th fiasco, I find out my fine: $160. UNbelievable, cause it seems to me when I wasn't doing it on the last day of the ComicCon, say, for instance, Sunday, or, say, the three other occasions before that, the fine was ZERO. They'll get my money right before it becomes a legal issue, the cockjuggling pigfuckers.

On the other hand, the Melo jersey arrived today. It looks good but the guy sending it was cheap so it's kinda wrinkled. I may have to use an iron. I know, I know.

A lot of A! work to do, and the RevoluciĆ³n get brought to life Saturday. Also, tomorrow, I got to send in the SDSU monies and send money order for the Sprewell (maybe the A.I. too). Busy couple days off.

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