


Is there any way I can get this side of the country to secede from the union? I mean, I realized I lived in the most liberal place this side of Amsterdam where boys kiss boys and nobody freaks out, but watching the absolute avalanche of red states is just depressing. After all that work trying to get new people to vote, all the ones who went for Kerry must really be having a crisis of faith about just how much their vote is actually worth.

The Dems are deader than Dale Earnhart. Their biggest charisma draws are a woman (Hillary) and a black man (Obama) and apparently the majority of the country is stuck back in the forties so you've got a better chance of seeing me escort Jessica Alba to the Fantastic 4 premiere than either of them drawing enough to win. No Senate, no House, do not pass go, do not collect 270 votes.

It's not a secret I don't have anything resembling love or even respect for President Squinty. (See?) And I can't imagine something's going to happen before 2008 that'll make me change my mind--assuming I haven't been killed for various thoughtcrime by then.

But, if there's anything I hope happens in the next four years, I hope Iraq doesn't become the new millennium Vietnam. The nearly 52/48 vote in this country (and I'm convinced 5 of that is 'Well, we're still in the war, we should let him finish') should show him that there is a large amount of the sect he still has to win over. Maybe he can do it.

Do I think he's going to?


Ambient music: Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?


Johnny B said...

Well, my state remained primarily liberal, so thank God for that.

And I'm closer to Canada, so I may have to just wander up there and kinda, sorta, never come back, 'cause I don't trust this sumbitch as far as I can throw him.

Fuck conservatism. This country can't afford to be stuck in the past.

Deborah said...

The first time around, Chimpy Hitler lost the popular vote and was installed by his Supreme Court cheerleaders. Now he's just been "re-elected" by "popular" vote as well as electoral. That arrogant, smug fascist fuck is going to see this as a sign that America APPROVES of him shitting on the Constitution, preaching bigotry and hate, and killing Arabs for oil.

Things are going to get WORSE. Iran, North Korea, and the list goes on...

Gay rights? History.

Workers' rights? Done.

He'll take all his extremist, corporate fuedalism fascist shit and bring it to a whole new level now. He'll make the first four years of this nightmare seem like a picnic before he's done.

Biggest fucking mistake the Democrats made - pushing Kerry over Dean. That man had charisma, and had a chance. Kerry was DOA from the get-go, and the Democrats - who have sold themselves out to the Neocons since 9/11 - knew it.

Iraq? Don't worry, it won't become the new Vietnam... It already IS the new Vietnam.

We are so FUCKED.

But, don't worry. If they start "purifying" the race and killing off the undesirables - like Chimpy's hero Hitler did - I'll go before you will... Then again, if that's the case, I wish they'd just take me now and get it over with.

When I drink of the moment: Vodka and Mountain Dew Pitch Black. I recommend lots of alcohol over the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Now the country is not OKAAAAAYYYY! We really have only two choices now: Booze or Canada. If I could only find a coin to flip... -Aaron

Deborah said...

I am going to spend the next four years drunk, or die trying.

Michael said...

I've decided that I need to be louder, I think. I hold a lot back- I don't express my opinion in the ways I'm capable of, and the way more people would respond to. The next 4 years will see me go from an unknown to a serious thorn in the lion's paw. I suggest you all do the same, and use the Free Speech while it's there.

Deborah said...

Or we could all spend the next four years working together to get me elected. Then I can whip the government into shape - literally.

After all, I must live up to my name...

Until then, drink 'em if you got 'em..

Johnny B said...

I think we all should speak out more. Don't let these assholes take over without a fight to the death.

Deborah said...

Have they colonized Alpha Centauri B-II yet?

Eric said...

Okay, the dust has settled a little and I give up...who IS this Vancouver ho you were talking about in the heading?