
Fuck The Perfect Storm, This Is The Sixth Circle Of Hell

Riddle: What goes five days on, one day off, five days on, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckingfuckityfuckmotherfuckingFUCKfuck!?

I'll give you a minute. This means not only 10 days out of 11, but 14 of the first 19, a 2.8:1 work days to not ratio (and keeping in mind I just burned four of them after the last five days straight stretch). No, I'm not trying to write a 50k novel this month, why do you ask? About the only positives I can figure out are that I'll be off the day of the Hedberg-Attell-Black TripleMania of comedy and the day after, and that my last two checks heading into Christmas will have 54 and 60.5 hours respectively on them.

But Jesus, Felipe, and Matty Alou, the road is going to suck like Christina Aguilera on a Navy battle cruiser.

*sigh* Time for dinner.

Currently playing: Beastie Boys' "Super Disco Breakin'"

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