

Well, work blew, otherwise it wouldn't be called work, right? So I am planning on using these next two days off commiting myself to holistic healing vis a vis watching Kill Bill for a 4th time, drinking a beer or 8, and now that I've purchased it, frenetic near-psychotic worshipping of the Holy Bib--er, Maxim with Alba.

Catching up on stuff I've missed during the last little bit, and in Monday's Currents section not only was there a cartoon that had the sticker "Don't blame me, I voted for Gary Coleman" but the resident TVaphile made a list of things she would recall (and yes, Fat Chin Who Couldn't Carry Letterman's Jock With A Forklift was on there).

Sound familiar, dear reader?

All right, back to things that matter. Sweet, sweet Jess. I've missed you so...

Currently playing: Shakira's "Whenever, Wherever"

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