
Stuck On Pam

Further evidence this is Tom's world and we just have profiles on it--

So I wrote to Jenna Fischer's MS blog a few weeks ago that since she loved 24 (as do I) and was going to be on Letterman with Keifer that she should totally get him to be her voicemail message; some sort of variant on "WHAT ARE THE DIGITS?! WHAT PURPOSE ARE YOU SERVING!"

We fast-forward to today's blog from Jenna:

I met Kiefer!!! It was only for like 1 minute backstage. He was leaving stage and I was getting ready to go on. I didn't have my cell phone with me so I couldn't ask him to record an outgoing message. Instead, I babbled on and on about how much I love 24 and how he totally deserved the Emmy win. He was very polite and humble and wished me luck with Dave.

I better not tell her I'm rooting for Karen the rest of the year and Jim/Pam for life after that, she'd be furious. Which would be kinda cute, actually...

I was quick and decisive with my response, however--

That's so sad you didn't get Keifer to do the voicemail. I would've called myself all the time if I'd been able to get one and never picked up. I bet friends would've gotten upset if you actually, you know, answered your own phone.

Uh...DVD recommendations. I'm a little goofy and whatnot, but I recommend anything with Kevin Smith, John Cusack, and, of course, Coming To America.

I am now officially psyched up for Thursday. Here's to your good luck and improving ratings!

More on this story as it develops...

Fortune Faded Red Hot Chili Peppers

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