
The Week That Was Since The Last Post

Ahhhhhh...fun to be off again. Nothing beats waking up at the crack of 10. Kids, don't let them tell you any different.

My fantasy football team won. 619? 1 and 0! In a stirring bit of Morrissettian irony Rob said I was crazy trading Dillon, Santana, Portis & Aaron Brooks for LT & McNair, then lost to the team I traded them to. Now let's all point and laugh at HIM! HA-ha! Had to drop Charles Rogers (dammit) so I picked up another Tennessee receiver to double points when McCyborg throws, Bledsoe for the bye week, and Eddie Kennison to run WR. The guy I traded with, Aaron, I am of course playing next week. He's not starting Santana Moss. Against the Chargers. *raises eyebrow*

Action Sports was in town, and this year thanks to my new "Bond camera" I got some pictures of the various babes in the joint. The next one in January cannot get here fast enough if you ask me.

Eli Manning won't need a watch for Christmas, 'cause he just clocked. And clocked. This is God punishing you for not coming to San Diego, punk-ass buster.

Anyway, you should start looking for Matt's comprehensive football reports week by week at TJD. It's so good it's almost like he does this for a living.


Ambient music: Weezer - Say It Ain't So


Rob T said...
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Rob T said...

1)I played *Spear*, not Aaron. Dumbass.

2)I had 73 points, which would have beaten Aaron (72) or you (61) had I played either one of you, so what exactly was your point again? :)

3)You are, and still were, certifiably insane to pretty much just giftwrap Dillon and Moss for him to upgrade Brooks to McNair and Portis to LDT *unless* McNair decides he's gonna put up a Peyton-esque stats season.


Butch Rosser said...

That trade would now be Santana Moss & Corey Dillon for LT & Steve McNair.

But I'm CRAZY.


Rob T said...
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Rob T said...
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Rob T said...

Just because Aaron traded them away (to get Ahman Green!) doesn't make you any less of a doof for making the deal to begin with.

Or any less wrong about the irony, unless Spear turned into Aaron when I wasn't looking.

Speaking of which, why does it *still* say that I lost to Aaron when quite clearly, that's not the case?

Johnny B said...

Good God, Rob? Can you not make a post anymore?

Get this man back on Delphi, stat! :)

Rob T said...


As soon as they make one that sucks worse, I fully expect Butch to have it up and running within a week. ;-)

Johnny B said...

And I thought you had the phat hax0r si77z.

It's a sad day. My faith in God is shaken. :(