Bouncing Over To
Keep your bookmarks close and your enemies closer. Sad. 10 posts away from 6g and I pull this. Then again, I gots it like that.
ADDENDUM: In an effort to facilitate traffic over to the new DUSL I have Hayden Panettiere licking some boob. Seriously. So by all means change your links and whatever else you got to. I'm bringing the almost legal lesboriffic overtone goodness at WordPress and you're over here missing it. Blogger is so '03.
Better Know A Hottie
Add It Up
--Jim Carrey
Yup. Give me two consecutive full houses. Let me stack up six final table eliminations. Keep Marky Mark, Georgey George and Cubey Cube at home while I get three kings heads-up. A win this week for two this month for four in under three weeks and six all year.
You think "Abandon Chips All Ye Who Enter Here" is too verbose a poker nickname?
the Cardigans[IRON MAN]
Mic Check
Anyhow, for the second time in two weeks I spent one night at a baller-ass club only to be immediately followed the next day by spending the next day in a dive bar. This says something about me but arsed if I can figure out what it is exactly.
I got there a little late, so I only got 3 songs. For everybody drooling in anticipation over the setlist, please make sure you are seated.
1) What I Diggity Say - Bangers And Mash ("What I Say", instrumental/"No Diggety", vocal)
2) Black Beatles - Loo & Placido ("Let's Get It Started" (i)/"Run For Your Life" (v))
3) Don't Stop Believin' In Planet Rock - A plus D ("Planet Rock" (i)/"Don't Stop Believin'" (v)
Tracks will be sent to interested parties upon request. Anyways, I met a few awesome, awesome people in the earlier part of the evening.
One of them is named Kallao, who in addition to spinning his own sets during the evening is a local DJ of one of the radio stations I actually liked before the Pod came. He got the fun shot of me above. (Note to self: next time you wear the Ramones shirt maybe you want to work Jimmi James' "Hey Ho Wonderwall" in there somewhere!)
Another one is DJ Riko, who moved here from Columbus in the recent past. In his defense, it was Columbus and this is San Diego. Anyway, Riko probably would get top billing for the evening trackwise, and was really low key and detached for someone who earned a spot in the '05 Best of Bootie mixtape that was #1 And The Best For The Year. I believe I'm going to get some shots from his camp of me getting down--and you may even get some video footage of yours truly doing a few seconds of breakdancing. Weep, puny mortals. Fucking weep.
Also, I met Adam from Cover Me Badd's Blasphemous Guitars. I'd talked to everybody through CrackSpace but this was the first time we'd all met met in the 3-D world and they couldn't've been more welcoming or awesome. Adam even had the class to be at least feigned upset when I mentioned after the show during the Johnny Cash cover medley (a reggae cover of "Hurt" which was worth the price of admission alone/"Personal Jesus"/"Rusty Cage") I'd expected the Depeche Mode homage portion to be accompanied by a HAPPY FUCKING EASTER! Hey, the man said during a Christmas medley on local TV "Do we have time to introduce our dancers, Misletoe and Camel--no?" I'd just assumed. But anyway, they blew the doors off the joint and outside of Danny & Victoria who are probably talking about this on the Uncast as I type the rest of the of the local crowd disguised themselves pretty effectively as vapor. Their fucking loss. Who needs action when you've got words, right?
(Please don't point out the irony of me using that quote during a blog post.)
It got over 100 people to a dive bar, pretty remarkably. And there are talks about doing it again before the next scheduled one to kick off August.
So, in honor of one of my new friends, I would like for you to raise your fist in the air. Adam's having some relationship difficulties.
P.S. Don't be surprised to see another template change; Opera's been uppity and I get shanked on putting up picture sizes? Funk dat!
Cover Me Badd's Blasphemous Guitars[GIRLFRIEND WITH AN ADDICTION (live but not from Saturday night)]
My Name's Not Mitchell Or Ness But I Throwback Like The Best Of Them
These are not stress-reduced ailments with the imminent return of the family; it's because I caught wreck again last night. I made a last second decision to go out again--empty house or not, it's still Friday night and I'm still 28, single, and semi-decent looking. I went to a one of my favorite usual spots and Jen the Hottest Bartender In the County had the night off at Confidential. Fortunately, the smoked bacon mini quesadillas were as good as ever. There was a cute girl named Megan in her place who's into baseball. (Previous sentence for Aaron.) I went down the block and as I stand on the corner someone asks me where Aubergine is. I happen to be going to Aubergine, so I get to lead them the rest of the way. It was hilarious for the four blocks we were together. I even pulled the "you kids back there better settle down or I'll turn this thing around and nobody'll go to Disneyland this year!" card.
And then we got there and then I had to pay. I hadn't paid a full cover in about 2 years. It blew. I jokingly brought it up to my DJing buddy, and he gave me half cover and hooked me up with some VIP stuff in the future. He put on "It Takes Two" when I asked for it, and I reciprocated with the Running Man.
Bitches loves the Running Man.
This sort of thing is what we in the writing industry call foreshadowing.
So Mikey kills his hour-and-a-half set, and the guys I made friends with bounce in the other room, and I make some friends in there, and I get my fill in before I'm about to bounce and catch the last bus back to the vicinity of here. But Mikey stops me, and then it happens.
We take a couple doors backstage, and then bang I'm on stage. The bass is ridonkulous. I can feel it vibrating through me. I gave a few head nods to my buddies at the front with a little "Hey, lookit me" smirk. And it's about 1, so the club is SRO at this point. Also at this point, I can see Mikey whispering to the DJ, Scooter, and he nods at me. In the immortal words of Tyler Durden, I knew the rest of the story before he even told it to me.
Let Us Take You Back To Earlier In The Night At Confidential, during which in conversation between pitches at the Padres game down the block I may have mentioned the Turk Dance seen earlier in the week at this site.
Now he slows down "Welcome To Jamrock" and naturally everybody starts looking towards the stage and it's Scooter on the decks, Mikey with a big shit-eating grin on his face, and me.
Fortunately for me, I'd had 4 beers.
The BBD groove hits and you'd think with like 500 people in front of you I would've focused on that but in my head it was all "Hit the steps. Hit the steps. Right over left." But I can say once I hit the hand clap and went behind the back the shit was officially on. It was nearly an out-of-body experience: the bass just creating a breeze, making sure early I hit the steps, hearing a metric shitload (scientific term) of people yelling GO GO GO at me. At that point, as everybody sang the bridge, it got to the chorus and it was Running Man time again.
This may be literally the most fun I've had with all my clothes on.
My friends in the front are about to fall over. This birthday girl Carmen who was friends with Scooter in this low-cut black top is jumping up and down so much I saw areola.
And I'm thinking to myself, "You know, I'm not the mayor, but I could probably fill in in a pinch."
So hopefully in a few hours, I get that feeling of joy back. And that first paragraph is going to magically disappear, if only for a while.
Alanis Morissette [MY HUMPS]
Yes, I Am Having A Good Friday Barometer
ALBA: Mmm-MMM, this week has been freedomtastic. With the rest of the family going to the chick ball final four I have had the house to myself. You'd be surprised to find this out, but it turns out my family and the lack of money are the cause of all the lack-of-female stress in my life. Give me my tax return at the speed of light and autonomy? It turns out I can get around 30, almost 60, and sometimes 90 minutes of writing done a day while buffering it with practicing poker, keeping up on podcasts, wallowing in my own crapulence, and laughing as the creditors dial the house phone as the same time as my cell and I ignore both. I'll be broke by Monday giving them a little cash and paying off old rent, but that should settle my equilibrium.
Cheney: Why do I have to write the Friday Barometer with Firefox every week? It's like Opera has a thing against the content I bring specificially for FBs. Some Ghost in the Machine shit going on, I swears.
Cheney: And how the hell did I get a cold in this, the best of all possible times?
ALBA: Quality speakers for $20. First time I have the new tower alongside actual audio. Life is good.
ALBA: BundchenBundchenBundchen! It's fun to say and a million more times more fun to look at. Of course, thinking about things has sent me down a Lewis Black path that should be killing me in the course of the next week, but it's a fine way to go. Questions that need to be answered, if you ask me--how does she have 3 other sisters with no brothers, b) how is the Victoria's Secret supermodel not automatically the hottie of the family, c) what are the odds of having 6 girls, c.5) let alone six hawwwwwwwwwwwt ones, 4) how much of your soul would you give up to walk in that house with your best friend, look around at the Bundchens at the pool, poke him in the shoulder and go "I'll dive on the grenade here"?, e) is this the first time in recorded history you would push your family in traffic to dive on the grenade?
And right before I passed out in a pool of my own DNA and sweat, I remember thinking "If it weren't for my horse..."
Cheney: Tom Brady. Seriously, motherFUCK him.
ALBA: "So, about 10 years ago we're in London riding in an original Edsel, and then we got to go all the way to the left side of the road. We're in Great England, is why! And all of a sudden Brasky goes, 'Did that rich bitch in the limo just cut us off?!' and I look ahead and I see this logo for the royal family, so I say to Brasky, 'Bill! It's Princess Diana!' And Brasky stares a hole from me--which healed in 4 months--and he says to me, 'You mean was Princess Diana.' The next thing I know I'm flying through a windshield wondering if my passport just fell out my pants. I can tell that story now because the statue of limitations has expired."
ALBA: Grindhouse. Just assuming. Now if there was only a way they could get cheap, awesome publicity and blow KMB's heart out his chest...naaaaaaaaaaah...
ALBA: In one of the greatest parodies of all time, Alanis will have you spending all your money on her, and spending time on her--her jiggling...it's oddly hypnotic...like a lava lamp...
ALBA: As the alleged table-setter the rest of the world takes their cues from, why the hell does our TV suck so much? Mexican TV owns us, and Brazilian TV owns everybody. Exhibit A.
And the defense motherfucking rests, because it's feeling oddly sleepy now.
ALBA: For everybody I'm dragging into the mashup world, Ramdom Thoughts brings an hour of bastard pop sweetness a week. And they shout me out in episode #50, which in no way, shape, or form influenced their position in this site. *cough*
ALBA: Girl Talk may not be the best DJ alive, but nobody's better. Almost an hour of phenaweomnal goddamn Gregg Gillis power, from his live New Year's Eve show in Chicago. There are singalongs from Tom Petty AND Tag Team. Paula Cole makes a 12-second appearance. Even the lowlight with the drunken moron screaming "GROOVE IS IN THE HEART" for the minute it's on is immediately assuaged with Jermaine Stewart. You read me right, Aaron. Jermaine Stewart. Anyhow, if I got to sell you on him after this, find yourself a new friend.
ALBA: San Diego's new mashup night is tomorrow night and thanks to his tireless grassroots promotional efforts certain people you know, love--well, tolerate and even take blog ideas from is getting a half-hour of requests to make heads turn, necks bruise, ears perks, and booties to decrease in horizontalality as if the surface is heated. I've been saying for months I'm going to throw it all away to become a DJ...and I might.
Cheney: Trying to narrow it down to 8 songs and a half-hour's worth of stuff when I have 200 songs and 12.4 hours worth.
ALBA: Libby had a few suggestions as I dropped a few of my favorites--stuff in the final pile of 30 that may make the cut and she's a fan of the Montell Jordan/GnR headbanger "This Is How We Do It In The Jungle" and the Most Evil And Wrong Song In the History Of Mankind That's Still Listenable, nin and Ace of Base bring together a rape baby in "She Wants Animals". I'm going with the fine folks at Uncast so you should have some pictures and I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Impervious To Bullets, But Keep Her Highness Away, Please
I've got K6 off.
Flop has a King.
My opponent had Siegfried & Roy (pocket Queens).
I am 2 cards away from winning tournament #4 in a fortnight.
One card away.
Freddy Goddamn Mercury, and I'm out in 2nd.
ADDENDUM: 2 seconds in 12 hours. This is officially a fuck.
DJ AM[A.D.D. Mix II]
"At Which Point Did You Realize You Were The Chosen One?"
This would be an awesome April Fool's joke, except it's about half an hour into day 2 of April.
It turns out, it's very easy to win also when it comes to heads-up post-river showdowns, if you go 14 out of 15 before the end.
It also turns out when people go all-in and don't make their flush draws, or their high pair is dwarfed by your pocket Kings, that that also assists in busting the last two people who aren't you and adding to what Junior M.A.F.I.A. so eloquently called "fuck bitches, get money".
So to update from the last time, this makes it three tournament wins and a cash payoff in 11 days for the fifth win of the year.
Yeah, I may be halfway decent.
Only one way to really celebrate this--
You Don't Need To Follow Baseball To Know Cards
Last time I lost in a cash game for the first time since I started playing. I'm usually not superstitious. But then tonight happened, and I'm not so sure.
Clyde ran his undefeated streak to seven or eight with some muhfuggin AUTHORITAH behind it, as I quadrupled up off of my original buy-in to make $40 in my second-biggest profit ever.
Let me amend: I'm usually not superstitious, except when it comes to poker 8x in a row.
There weren't any spectacular plays on my part, and I'm sorry to say for those of you who try to following my quote/unquote career I don't remember a lot of hands. (Mainly just the all-in two pair against my unbeatable nut Ace-high flush.) I played loose-passive, but I'm proud because my original plan was loose-aggressive and then when I got out ahead of the pack I managed to slow myself down and get some straights and flushes on lackluster hands I usually don't fuck with. After that, it was just a big fat hurry up and wait.
Add this with all the freedom, the brand new speakers that work, and my tax refund coming in? Yeah, today rocked the house.
Bring April to me, and I will make it kneel.
Especially if she's pretty.
Son Of A Preacher Man Dusty Springfield
Y Mi Palabra Es La Ley
Tres Delinquentes Deliquent Habits
No Lie. You Know I'm...
Two tournaments in 8 days, the fourth of the year. Somebody is in fucking troub-le Saturday, that's alls I know. Oh, right--
Supersong 2 Party Ben + J.J. Fad + Blur (unreleased)
Better Know A Hottie
The Sweetest Thing (Mahogany remix) Lauryn Hill
The Final 4(0)
Salma Hayek - 7
Jenny McCarthy - 31
Kelly Hu - 35
Monica Bellucci - 36
Shannon Elizabeth - 38
Adriana Lima - 39
Rebecca Romijn - 40
(40) Elizabeth Hurley (37)
(39) Michele Merkin (new)
(38) Charisma Carpenter (30)
(37) Heidi Klum (return)
(36) Carmen Electra (25)
(35) Ali Larter (new)
(34) Jessica White (new)
(33) Sofia Vergara (return)
(32) Brooke Burke (return)
(31) Eva Mendes (32)
(30) Mayra Veronica (27)
(29) Summer Altice (23)
(28) Esther Baxter (24)
(27) Anne Hathaway (new)
(26) Lacey Chabert (34)
(25) Jessica Simpson (28)
(24) Jamie Pressly (26)
(23) C.J. Gibson (18)
(22) Vanessa Minillo (29)*
(21) Hayden Panettierre (33)*
(20) Sarah Shahi (21)
(19) Halle Berry (19)
(18) Shakira (16)
(17) Raquel Gibson (12)
(16) Kate Beckinsale (8)
(15) Jennifer Walcott (13)
(14) Katherine Heigl (17)
(13) Jessica Biel (15)
(12) Vida Guerra (22)
(11) Kim Smith (20)
(10) Trish Stratus (3)
(09) Beyonce (14)
(08) Angelina Jolie (6)
(07) Kristen Bell (11)
(06) Stacy Keibler (4)
(05) Jennifer Love Hewitt (10)
(04) Eva Longoria (2)
(03) Scarlett Johannson (9)*
(02) Marissa Miller (5)*
(01) Our Lady St. Jessica Of Perpetual Awesome Hotness (dur)
lily allen feat. aaron lacrate [SMILE {gutter remix}]
This Friday Barometer Is Sponsored By Dunder-Mifflin
GONZALEZ: Heard back from the unemployment office; turns out that firing was justifiable and I won't be getting the 90 bucks a week. (bitterly) Thank you, President Ford.
ALBA: there was that night that we thought that John Berryman could fly/but he didn't so he died... I am sooo close to renaming the blog a line from that song. Lazy Undisciplined Sleeping Late, mayhaps?
ALBA: Guess who's rocking the 2nd Uncast Sunday? Oh, yeah. You should get the first since Danny and Vicki did an actual debut that didn't blow chunks in the least, and if you don't know, now ya learnin'. It should be going up late Sunday/early Monday.
ALBA: San Diego is getting its own sort of bootleg Bootie all-mashup songs night club starting on the 7th, and you wouldn't believe who's in some early talks thanks to online forums about helping with the playlist. Then again, you are here. Maybe you would.
ALBA: You seen Sideshow Bob's sister on the Idle? Oh, I would chutney in those mangos...ya feel me? Ya feel me?! Ahhh, ya feel me.
GONZALEZ: I cannot stay asleep past 9 a.m. anymore--we're living odd because the apartment across from us is empty and getting shown. That living room shares a common wall with my bedroom. The one above from us had some sort of infestation and/or moveout, so upstairs they are banging and moving shit around on our roof.
ALBA: The novel (which at this point is still somehow unnamed, since I am beginning to sour on calling it Spin Spin Sugar given it's more hip-hop than whatever the fuck pointless label you'd like to assign the original Sneaker Pimps) is writing itself, at least for the next few scenes. It's excellent how new ideas present themselves as I write. When you wait for The Muse to come along, it's part of the feast or famine mentality. KRS-One feels me on this; maybe Libby, too. When it's not working it feels like It Will Never Work Again but when it does you become less "I'm writing a story" and more like court stenography.
ALBA: Watching the Bush-helmed chain of fools come apart is making for some especially awesome Daily Shows, Repors and Countdowns. Anybody else see the palpable sexual tension between Katie Couric and Stephen last night? Is it wrong I find Katie Couric attractive?
uhh: So I was writing the other day and this blonde sits across from me, which is usually good but she's too hot for Brittany. This is also usually good but since I am trying to be Serious Writer it's a problem. (The old brain-vs-penis chess game, y'understand?) And then the sweater comes off and holy Roger and Zapp, More Bounce to the Ounce. The tank top is stru-guh-ling. I lasted about 20 minutes and then I had to get to another computer and focus, dammit.
ALBA: On Broadway, my former favorite place in town but now merely a contender to the throne, is having a fun localized MySpace party next Thursday. Should be great; one of my favorite mashup DJs, 20 localized hotties (including a couple I know, go fig), and, most importantly to Rob, an hour-and-a-half of a hosted vodka bar. No sin greater, no rapture more exquisite...(Homer drool sound)
GONZALEZ: Why were all my out-of-town friends more than willing to have free vodka with me at an awesome place packed with hot girls getting drunk St. Guinness Day and none of my local ones? Hmm.
ALBA: Will headline the new Cuarenta Caliente out tomorrow, and this will probably be discussed in the Uncast.
GONZALEZ: I am finding ways to be broke. I have a little, but since I assumed unemployment was coming I restarted my account to get a debit card. It's going through processing. Hopefully it'll get here in the next couple days so I can e-file the taxes and score the big return money. That'll let me pay off some of the rent I owe and harvest the rest.
ALBA: The family is leaving for the chickball Final Four next weekend, which is great on its own. But they're also going back home to the Burgh so I get a week FREE to wallow in my crapulence. #1: Write whenever I want. #2: Drink. #3: When in doubt, go back to #2. #4: Poker night next Saturday. #5: WrestleMania at Hooters! #6: #2--really good idea. #7: Make sure AA's still for quitters. #8: Also, writing.
Sixx Mixx 69 (recommended: Lumidee over Audioslave, the Doors block, and "Intergalactic" over the Veronica Mars theme) Party Ben
Get Me Over The Hump Day
That's Why I've Done It Again
Wasn't a problem when my 2 pair beat top pair and second pair to force a showdown I had a 3:1 advantage in.
Wasn't a problem winning 80% of the heads-up, usually where I'm weakest.
Wasn't a problem flopping top pair when he went all-in with second pair.
3 months.
3 tournament wins.
Good heavens. Could it be I'm getting no no no notorious?
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race Fall Out Boy
Friday Barometer: Dead Or Alive
You may have seen my earlier report that Veronica Mars has been canceled.
Well, let me just say that though I heard this heart-wrenching info from six--yes, six--reliable sources on both the network and studio side...apparently that news may have been somewhat misguided. See, although this "cancellation" rumor ran rampant around all sectors of Hollywood today, it turns out the picture is more complex than a straight canceled-or-not-canceled scenario.
At this hour, here's what I can tell you:
I just heard from Veronica mastermind and showrunner Rob Thomas, who tells me, "If we're cancelled, I certainly don't know about it."
And according to CW insiders, the CW has not officially canceled Veronica Mars. However, here's the catch: They are currently considering a different format for the fourth season. From what I hear, that format would leap four years into the future and focus on Veronica Mars as an FBI agent. Aside from returning star Kristen Bell (duh), the rest of the cast is yet to be determined, but it isn't likely that many of her current co-stars would be on board.
So bottom line: Veronica Mars could be: 1) spinning off into a new format, 2) returning in her college years or 3) getting canceled.
And let me just say, number 3 could be a very real possibility, so it is most definitely time to rally the troops before it's too late! If you care about Veronica Mars and want it to survive (and if you're a fan of good TV, I know you do!), please comment below with your name and message of support. And email your friends the link of this column so they can do the same. (I will forward your comments to the powers that be at the CW.)
Then, please send your "Save Veronica" postcard or letter to:
Dawn Ostroff
President of Entertainment, The CW Television Network
4000 Warner Boulevard, Bldg 168
Burbank, CA 91522-0002
And pardon me while I step onto my soapbox and advise the CW: cancelling Veronica Mars would be a mistake of epic proportions. It is by far the best thing going on the green net, and one of the most addictive, smart, funny and well-written series ever to air on television. The fans would not take its cancellation lightly.
(P.S. That Pussycat show makes me want to gauge out my eyes.)
Now, VM fans unite! Comment away below for the love of good TV!
I got property to belong to! What's my purpose without it!?
Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem) Jay-Z
Friday Barometer: Know The Ledge
Let's go!
HAW haw!
Because The Night (unplugged) 10,000 Maniacs
Is Kristen Bell Gon Have To Choke A Bitch?
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The day we’ve all dreaded has come, tubers.
With actual tears in my eyes, I must tell you that I’ve heard from several solid sources that the CW has decided not to bring Veronica Mars back for a fourth season.
Though official word has not yet come down from the network, I did hear from creator Rob Thomas earlier this week, who told me things weren’t looking good: “I’ve never been less certain of our fate. I’m afraid I’ve gone from cautiously optimistic to something less than that.”
More on this later. I’m just too distraught to write more right now.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
To everybody watching American Idol and Bootleg Dr. Cox--thanks a whole fucking bunch. You've done Osama proud. I'm going drinking.
Get Back Ludacris
Get Me Over The Hump Day
A Two Word Philosophy Lesson
I review the chip stacks and decide with this large a lead to only play premium hands and let some of the commoners kill each other in their rush to seize the castle. It helps 2nd through 6th are seperated by only about 5k.
7th place goes all-in and gets called twice. 7th place is now 9th.
Now one of the baby stacks is in. They get called twice. They get 8th.
And it's the other baby stack's turn. 3 calls, including me with 10Qoff. I don't like the flop and get out at minimum expense. Baby stack had pocket Kings and gets crib death anyways (the former chip leader hung onto 23suit and then made trip doubles.) 7th.
Second place behind me has about 29k. A fold. J7 spades? No.
98 spade? Sure. Raise it up, make it rain. Table runs like the scared little bitches they are; finally a table that respects when the chip leader whips it out and swings it around!
Now it's 3rd-6th on about the same level. So I hold off a bit longer.
That takes two hands--hellooooooooo, Jacks! Aw, you went all-in with JAoff? Well, allow me to retort! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF!
Up to 65, about 2.5x ahead of 2nd. Mahvelous.
Second makes a flush to bounce a straight and get to 40. Then there were 4.
I play K8off for a pre-flop raise. They scurry. 2nd and the former chip leader keep going after each other, which goes fine by me.
A10off. Two folds. Big money raise time! That's right, you fold. Bitch.
Former chip leader takes 2nd back.
Then first through me. Huge raises with Jacks on the board and I only had 6s. You would've thought I'd learned. He's got 58, I'm at 44.
He loses to Wayne, the former 2nd, to put HIM in the lead the next hand.
And then I get Anna Kournikova and a K26 flop to match. Hi, chip lead! Miss me?
Hi, MY HAND ACE QUEEN! 10-J-9 flop. Last place beats my archrival, who is now in last. The spread is 40k to about 25k, so every hand is something.
Somehow I get two pair out of Q6off to stretch the lead a little.
I decide to see a flop free with 98off and get a flop with an 8. But a 10 too. Check the King. River Jack means I fold my Aaron straight.
Raise with 9Q suit. 9s in the flop. I take it down.
1) former last -- 37k
2) me -- 36
3) Wayne - 35
4) HIM - 25
9Asuit and big raise from the top 2. 782flop4turnand a queen on the river dooms me. I had 1st until then. Now Wayne & I are practically co-2nd.
Former last is up to 53 with the rest of us scrapping in the late 20s.
HE gets the best of Wayne, who drops to about 14. HE gets up to 40. I no longer can find a hand.
10Koff. Nevermind.
And double nevermind. Nothing comes except chip loss, to the leader at that.
4Ksuited in the blind? What--two pair! YAY! A healthier 3rd at 28, I am. And I stuck it to HIM.
Anna comes back to me. Preflop raise for the duckets.
1) "Last" - 56
2) HIM - 36
3) Me - 29
4) Wayne - 12
J7suit and I push the button. Everyone calls and the flop is daunting. Wayne goes all-in and I don't call with my 2 pair. Straight. GFL. Wayne to 30, HIM to 20. Wayne over HIM again to 40.
A6. Ace on the river. I raise. Leader is all in with AJ.
I'm down to two sixes.
And there one is! How ABOUT that?
me -50 Wayne - 35 "Last" - 26 HIM - 15
Then HE leap frogs Wayne to get into 2nd. More bad hands I play minimally, if at all.
Two calls with Q10suit. Queens on the flop, suited JA after. Eep. There the lead went.
I tilt all-in with A10off. They run. It then occurs to me I'm still in 2nd. Whoops. Part bad beat, part screaming bladder, I suppose. "Last" snatches the lead off HIM.
This is hardcore.
Wayne doubles up into 2nd. It took 3 hands from "Last" to first to last. That hardcore.
I bluff with K7 off and take down a pot.
"Last" is back in first, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA!
I lose a winning hand--but "LAST" takes him out.
I'm last at 19, Wayne at 38, "Last" at 74. I see an ace. All-in. Take the blinds. Anna, all-in. More blinds.
All-in with high two pair.
Only one combination of two cards can beat me.
They do.
That's poker.
Real Back Poppin' DJ Axel, "Got To Be Real", "Get It Poppin'", and "Lean Back"
Get Me Over The Hump Day
Kari Klinkenborg, c'mon dowwwwwwwwwn!
(shoutout to With Leather)
Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos Tricky cover
Straight Outta Sussex
Hey Ladies Night = DJ BC + the Beastie Boys + Kool and the Gang
Last Dance With Dani California = Party Ben + Red Hot Chili Peppers + Tom Petty
Follow The Leader (1.2)
CSS > Pretend We're Dead/I Wanna Be Your J'Lo
Things I know about CSS--
1) CSS is an acronym, and it's French for Cansei Ser Sexy. (What that means in French, I have no clue; all I can do in French is kiss, toast, and offer to sleep with you. I assumed that was the extent of French knowledge I needed, to be fair.)
2) They remind me of a more glammed/electroed out Runaways.
3) I Wanna Be Your JLo is funny.
4) I found these songs via the Forkcast.
IF You Can Download Only One...
Lily Allen > Smile
Every once in a while, the hype's actually true.
Smash-Up Derby > Talking Franz
"Take Me Out" + "Burning Down The House" = \m/. They have a few other live-styled mashes which you can find here.
Tool > The Pot
Because I like Tool.
John Mayer Trio > Who Did You Think I Was?
This was between solo albums for Chappelle's boy, and you can see him starting to skim the pool of what his newest release was about to get into. Even though it clocks in at a quick three minutes, the lyrics and bluesy guitar make it go by even quicker than that.
Tag Team, Back Again, Check And Direct And Let's Begin > Whoomp! (There It Is)
I'm taking you back to the old school. I am an old fool. But I'm so cool. (Shouldn't that be these four words mean you're getting busy?)
Can't Do Nuttin' For Ya Man Public Enemy
Friday Barometer Music Club
Travis > Why Does It Always Rain On Me?
Toad the Wet Sprocket > Something's Always Wrong
This Is Not A Life, Because Lives Are Meant To Be Lived
Oh, and I haven't had a date in almost a year.
Where is this glorious future I keep hearing about that's been absent since last fucking year? Anybody?
Fell On Black Days Soundgarden
Another KO Special: Condi, You're A Window Shopper
- - - - - - - - - -
On "Fox News Sunday" Feb. 25, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice paralleled World War II with the state of Iraq when discussing what would happen if Congress were to revise the Iraq authorization:
We already know about her suggestion that the president could just ignore whatever congressional Democrats do about Iraq.
Just ignore Congress.
We know how that game always turns out. Ask President Nixon. Ask President Andrew Johnson.
Or ask Vice President Dick Cheney, who utterly contradicted Secretary Rice on Monday when he warned President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan about what those mean congressional Democrats could do to his foreign aid.
All of this, par for the course.
But about what the secretary said regarding the prospect of Congress’ revising or repealing the 2002 authorization of the war in Iraq:
Here we go again! From springs spent trying to link Saddam Hussein to 9/11, to summers of cynically manipulated intelligence, through autumns of false patriotism, to winters of war, we have had more than four years of every cheap trick and every degree of calculated cynicism from this administration, filled with Three-Card Monte players.
But the longer Dr. Rice and these other pickpockets of a nation's goodness have walked among us, waving flags and slandering opponents and making true enemies — foreign and domestic — all hat and no cattle all the while, the overriding truth of their occupancy of our highest offices of state has only gradually become clear.
As they asked in that Avis commercial: "Ever get the feeling some people just stopped trying?"
Then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld thought he could equate those who doubted him with Nazi appeasers, without reminding anybody that the actual, historical Nazi appeasers in this country in the 1930s were the Republicans.
Vice President Cheney thought he could talk as if he and he alone knew the “truth” about Iraq and 9/11, without anyone ever noticing that even the rest of the administration officially disagreed with him.
The president really acted as if you could scare all of the people all of the time and not lose your soul — and your majority — as a result.
But Secretary of State Rice may have now taken the cake. On the Sunday morning interview show “Of Broken Record” on Fox, Dr. Rice spoke a paragraph, which if it had been included in a remedial history paper at the weakest high school in the nation would've gotten the writer an "F" — maybe an expulsion.
If Congress were now to revise the Iraq authorization, she said, out loud, with an adult present: "… it would be like saying that after Adolf Hitler was overthrown, we needed to change, then, the resolution that allowed the United States to do that, so that we could deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after he was overthrown."
The interviewer should have demanded to see them, on the spot. Dr. Rice spoke 42 words. She may have made more mistakes in them than did the president in his State of the Union Address in 2003.
There is, obviously, no mistaking Saddam Hussein for a human being. But nor is there any mistaking him for Adolf Hitler.
Invoking the German dictator who subjugated Europe; who tried to exterminate the Jews; who sought to overtake the world is not just in the poorest of taste, but in its hyperbole, it insults not merely the victims of the Third Reich, but those in this country who fought it and defeated it.
Saddam Hussein was not Adolf Hitler. And George W. Bush is not Franklin D. Roosevelt — nor Dwight D. Eisenhower. He isn't even George H.W. Bush, who fought in that war.
However, even through the clouds of deliberately spread fear, and even under the weight of a thousand exaggerations of the five years past, one can just barely make out how a battle against international terrorism in 2007 could be compared — by some — to the Second World War.
The analogy is weak, and it instantly begs the question of why those of "The Greatest Generation" focused on Hitler and Hirohito, but our leaders seem to have ignored their vague parallels of today to instead concentrate on the Mussolinis of modern terrorism.
But in some, small, "You didn't fail, Junior, but you may need to go to summer school" kind of way, you can just make out that comparison.
But, Secretary Rice, overthrowing Saddam Hussein was akin to overthrowing Adolf Hitler? Are you kidding? Did you want to provoke the world's laughter?
And, please, Madame Secretary, if you are going to make that most implausible, subjective, dubious, ridiculous comparison; if you want to be as far off the mark about the Second World War as, say, the pathetic Holocaust-denier from Iran, Ahmadinejad — at least get the easily verifiable facts right: the facts whose home through history lies in your own department.
"The resolution that allowed the United States to" overthrow Hitler?
On the 11th of December, 1941, at 8 o'clock in the morning, two of Hitler's diplomats walked up to the State Department — your office, Secretary Rice -- and 90 minutes later they were handing a declaration of war to the chief of the department's European Division. The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor four days earlier, and the Germans simply piled on.
Your predecessors, Dr. Rice, didn't spend a year making up phony evidence and mistaking German balloon-inflating trucks for mobile germ warfare labs. They didn't pretend the world was ending because a tin-pot tyrant couldn't hand over the chemical weapons it turned out he'd destroyed a decade earlier. The Germans walked up to the front door of our State Department and said, "We're at war." It was in all the papers. And when that war ended, more than three horrible years later, our troops and the Russians were in Berlin. And we stayed, as an occupying force, well into the 1950s. As an occupying force, Madam Secretary!
If you want to compare what we did to Hitler and in Germany to what we did to Saddam and in Iraq, I'm afraid you're going to have to buy the whole analogy. We were an occupying force in Germany, Dr. Rice, and by your logic, we're now an occupying force in Iraq. And if that's the way you see it, you damn well better come out and tell the American people so. Save your breath telling it to the Iraqis — most of them already buy that part of the comparison.
“It would be like saying that after Adolf Hitler was overthrown, we needed to change then, the resolution that allowed the United States to do that, so that we could deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after he was overthrown."
We already have a subjectively false comparison between Hitler and Saddam. We already have a historically false comparison between Germany and Iraq. We already have blissful ignorance by our secretary of state about how this country got into the war against Hitler. But then there's this part about changing "the resolution" about Iraq; that it would be as ridiculous in the secretary's eyes as saying that after Hitler was defeated, we needed to go back to Congress to "deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after he was overthrown."
Oh, good grief, Secretary Rice, that's exactly what we did do! We went back to Congress to deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after Hitler was overthrown! It was called the Marshall Plan.
Gen. George Catlett Marshall!
Secretary of state!
The job you have now!
Twelve billion, 400 thousand dollars to stabilize all of Europe economically — to keep the next enemies of freedom, the Russians, out and democracy in! And how do you suppose that happened? The president of the United States went back to Congress and asked it for a new authorization and for the money. And do you have any idea, Madame Secretary, who opposed him when he did that? The Republicans!
"We've spent enough money in Europe," said Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio.
"We've spent enough of our resources," said former President Hoover.
It's time to pull out of there! As they stand up, we'll stand down!
This administration has long thought otherwise, but you can't cherry-pick life — whether life in 2007, or life in the history page marked 1945. You can't keep the facts that fit your prejudices and throw out the ones that destroy your theories. And if you're going to try to do that; if you still want to fool some people into thinking that Saddam was Hitler, and once we gave FDR that blank check in Germany he was no longer subject to the laws of Congress or gravity or physics, at least stop humiliating us.
Get your facts straight. Use the Google!
You've been on Fox News Sunday, Secretary Rice. The Fox network has got another show premiering Tuesday night. You could go on that one, too. It might be a better fit. It's called "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?"
Add To The List Of Talents
I couldn't hit the ocean with an oar in a boat in the middle of the ocean the first 47 hours, but I finished up strong by pitching a perfect game when it came to Best Actor, Actress, Director, and Picture.
And considering all the other crap I sat through, when you think about the awards that matter, those are the Big 4 and I aced 'em.
So I'm perfect (at that? How? I guess)
Smells Like Compton = Cheekyboy + N.W.A. + Nirvana
Under Atmospheric Pressure...
ALBA: I love Australians. Even more so than usual.
ALBA: Since the Blogoogle switchover looking at the labels is almost as good as the posts sometimes.
MENCIA: Opera's being uppity, so I'm doing this out of Mozilla. I don't think there's that much of a difference, but it still seems off.
MENCIA: Why did my friend float the possibility of going to Mexico, getting drunk and lapdances tomorrow after I'd already made plans?
ALBA: iPod. Teacher. Mother. Secret lover.
ALBA: Rob floated me a little walking around cash.
ALBA: Finding more mashups. When they work, they work. Gary Numan + the Beatles. I may dedicate next weekend's Follow the Leader to a creme de la menthe list.
MENCIA: Getting shot down. I'm not exactly surprised given my lot in the world right now, but it would've been nice.
MENCIA: Actually lost at a home game Saturday for the first time in forever. Mere hours after the rejection, too. Apres moi, le deluge... I haven't posted a top 5 finish in a month. I keep coming between 13th and 25th, which was the original plan, and yet now that I'm here it sucks. So I'm in Must Always Win Mode. (Friends: As opposed to? Me: SHARRUP YOU MOUTH)
ALBA: Going to try to get back in the black tomorrow night.
ALBA: Had two consecutive excellent interviews with one of my top 5 clubs. It's a security position at a place I love where I've never seen a fight in the 12-17 odd times I've been there. Nice late start, too. Honestly, if I don't get this I don't know what I'm going to do. I might as well give up. I can't interview any better than I did. Even in the face of a ludicrously hot boss, I held serve.
MENCIA: The Rent Issue. Still. Where does one get $200 by the end of the month?
MENCIA: I owe about 3x what I thought I did bill-wise (forgot about other phone).
ALBA: Holy GOD was the Office awesome last night. Roy's meltdown was #1. #2 was Fancy New Beesley v2. #3 was "...or collapse in on myself like a dying star." I usually don't say this in the face of white-on-white crime but Roy is going to fuck that nigga Jim up...
MENCIA: In six weeks. Sad face.
ALBA: Well, the label says it all. Let's end this on an up note--
I Want To Take You Higher Sly and the Family Stone
Follow The Leader
Ah, nothing like a good Ren and Stimpy joke, huh?
Anyhow, usually this is where you get my favorite songs. In its various nomes de plumes it's been the Rosser Top 15, KWBR, and most recently Radio Free Chula. But since KRS-One and T-Bone were kind enough to get me an iPod, I have decided to take my bimonthly music post and turn it into something different. In this, the post-Pod era, the thin string that music videos and radios were already barely hanging on by in my life has now been about severed completely--only because I can't listen to it while it charges.
Also, this sea change has been inspired by mulitple comments about me finding good music for people. I burned a lot of copies of Night Ripper as a result of the play it received at the holiday party and Libby managed to find one and buy it. I've been known as the biggest audiophile in my circle for a while--somehow completely slipping my consciousness--and I'm always stunned when I'm all geeked out about something and my friends haven't even heard it.
So now, the music post is going to be about recommendations. Just whatever I'm really into that may not be getting the love I feel it deserves, and an old school hip-hop pick [this time: Gimme That Nutt by Eazy-E, just for the Green Acres riff alone].
Hence the new name. And as they sampled from James Brown, I know you got soul/if you didn't you wouldn't be in here...
Nas feat. Kanye West, KRS-One, & Rakim, "Classic (Nike remix)" Speak of the best-MC-ever-not-to-get-filled-with-bullets devil!
Point #1: I would listen to these four guys if the hook was 'we're tag teaming your mom and broadcasting it on YouTube'.
Point #2: Holy fuck. This is like some Voltron shit and if you're getting sick of hearing BALLIN' every other song, this will be your remedy. Rakim now owes it to us to fulfill his promise in his set of verses and drop something this year. Is Eric B. really that busy?
Modest Mouse, "Dashboard" Because when I think Johnny Marr (or for that matter Modest Mouse), I think getting funky. What the--HUGH!?
Incubus, "Dig" It's weird, because Incubus became a more political band with the previous album and have always been known more for their guitar work and everything straight with a clitoris creaming themselves at the sight of Brandon Boyd, but when I hear their rare forays into more romantic songs, those are the ones that stick with me. This is the latest in the series that began back with "Stellar" and I really think it's the best one of the lot. This just begs to be slow danced to at your heart-rending moment of choice (in my mind, the video for this has them as the house band singing this song for the Office's Jim & Pam at their wedding). Why am I so into this with barely a prospect, if that? Good question. It is saying something that I am, though.
OK Go, "Do What You Want" They're rereleasing it to piggyback off of the success of "Here It Goes Again". Since this is the song on the album I like better, I'm perfectly fine with that. Plus, the video seems to be inspired by Garden State and ain't nuthin' wrong with that.
IF You Can Only Get One...
Party Ben, the Pink/Madonna masher "Get This Holiday Party Started" OK, I knew Party Ben before I knew Party Ben. Let me explain: the radio station would play these mashers sometimes and I never got his name before this week. While I wasn't able to get his name I heard an excellent Beasties/Kool & the Gang "Hey Ladies Night" and the phenawesomnal White Stripes/Eric B. & Rakim (sensing a theme this time out?) "Pump Up The Doorbell" which took my Riff of the Year '06 with my favorite remix ever. You may even know him once I name drop "Boulevard Of Broken Songs". Yup, there he is. You can imagine how gleeful I was to find his site with a shitload not only of his singular tracks but some of his half-hour and hour-long live mixes. They range from just decent (the Cake/Gorillaz "Never Feel Good") to fucking sweet (Nelly Furtado/Michael Jackson "Promiscuous With You") to the You-will-get-down-right-the-fuck-now of the mash in bold. It was literally nearly 2 in the morning when I heard this first, and I started dancing in my chair to not wake up the rest of the house. After the cocaine rush that's trying to figure out Girl Talk, this is merely an excellent high with plenty of bags of Cool Ranch around and cheat codes for the PS2. And sometimes it's better.
Justin Timberlake, "What Goes Around (Comes Around)" Yup. I give up. I'm going to out myself: the times I've heard his singles I've liked them. And then immediately deliked them when I found out who made them. (Even in that last sentence my natural instincts went to type what instead of who.) But let's just be honest: the musicianship is untouchable, and Justin at the least doesn't fuck anything up. Not only that, but he's a brilliant mind and the sort of guy I need picking stocks for me. Seriously. Britney Spears before she became a more-conscious Anna Nicole, Alyssa Milano, Cameron Diaz, Scarlett Johannson. If I wasn't so full of admiration I'd hate him, too.
the Game featuring Kanye West, "Wouldn't Get Far" It's hilarious. It's sexist. It may even be accurate. Most of all, it's just great. The Game pretty much gets a Kanye beat and rips every video chick of the past 5 years two new orifices for him to deliver the Shocker to. Out of all the songs that are both about fucking and not giving a fuck, this may be my favorite.
Since U Been Gone Kelly Clarkson
Friday Barometer: Neptune? Grand.
Don't care.
Put down another 750 words for the first time in what seems like forever.
Don't care.
I may have walked outside during my snack break and found them filming Veronica Mars a spit away while I was inside the lab writing. I may have walked right past Kristen Bell. I may have asked a producer what was happening and he may have revealed they were taping the 17th episode of the year and may have divulged the primary storyline.
He may have seen the Picture.
So, instead of doing other things, I'm going to stay here a while longer and see what else I can find/do. Who knows what may come of this? Maybe nothing else. But I'm going to flit back and forth between the set (HA! I said the set cause I was there and walked through it!) and these computers, keeping updates on serve.
I'm sure you guys would expect nothing less.
(Perhaps a little keyed up; it took me 3 tries to spell expect just there.)
Max, why do you think I didn't name what the primary storyline is? Dumbass.
Anyhow, a few things since their job fair scene is taking a bit longer than they thought.
Bells for the tower go off hourly at SDSU--and they don't post-edit them out, I suppose. They sent up some sound people who put stuff around the actual ball portion of the bell, thus making it a silencer every hour at the top of the hour.
The extras are full of cute girls but they're all bored. It takes them a while for each scene and they're just background anyway, so it looks like you hanging out with your friends when none of you had the strength to get up and go somewhere. Some of them seem to be RL friends. They all text like mad. When they move around the 400 feet or so marked off, they line up like baby ducks and follow the producer guy I talked to and a couple of other executive-types.
The crew have these awesome big black trucks to move around. They look like where the MIB would keep people if they had to flash-fry a bunch at once.
I've decided to take a few pictures and send them to Rob, in the hopes they'll enhance the report.
So they are. Hearst represent! (You can also see the aforementioned bell tower. Talk about brilliant photography.)
More updates as they warrant.
Some guy is sitting where I've been all day so this update is shorter and taking an extra couple minutes. The fucktard.
A lot of parents around taking pictures. It may be Parents Weekend or something here at State and it's bleeding over into filming. A lot of them are walking right through the set with no break in their actions whatsoever. Probably Idol fans.
I guess the job fair scene took longer than expected, as if I know. What I do know is it hit dusk and the crew leapt into action like vampires. I heard dinner mentioned, so I split. They may come back later, I dunno.
The $48,000 Pregunta: do I go back tomorrow?
Another One Bites Da Funk Party Ben Queen/Daft Punk mashup
With A Little Help From My Friends
Nope, she didn't say that.
"Where's January's rent?"
As much as my fist wanted to punch her in the face and my mouth wanted to say "probably next to my birthday present, you self-centered bitch", I internalized it and went for a walk. With age comes maturity, I guess. I came back, and did all the usual acoutrement of getting ready, including the trusty lucky To: Women From: God gift shirt that has become ubiquitous with my finer moments.
I grabbed Jessica Marie and I got gone, not a moment too soon.
I fired up the party folder, and we headed off to the Tractor Room.
The Tractor Room has pretty much every single kind of beef, ever, in any single form, ever. It is an excellent place, made even more excellent by the fact I don't have to foot the bill, made more excellent by a fine French martini that is one of the 3 best alcoholic drinks I have ever had. Some watermelon, Skyy, other things...absolutely delicious. "I'm not entirely sure, but it's entirely possible they milked this from Scarlett Johansson," I say. At least I had the good sense to stop after 4. As the dinner continues, we do it family style and everybody gets some of everything. We went through like 5 cornbreads, there was some sort of ludicrously awesome wild boar/mashed potato spring roll, mac and cheese--despite the fact I was planning on dancing later on I couldn't keep myself from gorging at the trough.
(This will become important later.)
So this went on for about 2 hours, intersped with myriad conversations and a couple of late arrivals. People other than I had things to celebrate, and we did. But the food was ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous. At a certain point during a lengthy meal your mind and stomach keeps telling you stop and your taste buds say we may never get another opportunity like this again and your eyes say push it, push it real good.
Well, it is my birthday, despite actions to the contrary.
So we stagger out into the street and hit Confidential down the road. And now, a fun bi-polar experience.
They lose my reservation. I am good and screwed for a good 30, 35 seconds.
Then the owner comes up and recognizes me and waves us in. And I even got to Ferris Bueller the door guy (not my usual buddy, Bobby, who got on later) by adding a few names to my list. It was hilarious. He had to write me down and then the five names I added onto the group I was already with.
We get inside and I inform Jen in my already-inebriated state it's my birthday. Yes, I got my dap. There was another tab started, and she comped me some shot of something-or-other that tasted like a German chocolate cake and involved a sugar-coated lemon I had to suck. I wish I made more sense, all I can rely on is my motor memory. Aaron gets me the last Charles Barkley and Chuck Klosterman books, Danny gets me gift cards for Borders and Karl Strauss. (J&J have promised a soundcard, which should remind me to look up my specs.) The girls get a couple of her specialized cherry blossoms as we slowly come to the realization that without a reservation we have no table, and without a table, the now 10 of us are going to look very, very odd in the crowded bar.
Eventually an uprising happens and I have to think of something on the fly while drunk.
Anyway, long story short, we somehow ended up at the Hustler down the block.
No, I didn't buy anything. Perv.
I may or may not have recognized a movie I have on this hard drive. It was here when Danny gave me the tower, I swear.
After that we went to Denny's (8 now) and had another discussion around a bunch of food like an old Italian family. If it was possible for us to have a free-form Dinner For Five style Sunday morning show every week I would be all for it. Topics ranged from pornography to egg consistency to child rearing to songs that should be banned at all weddings for the rest of time (this is just what I remembered).
Then I got home and slept.
Then I woke up 45 minutes later?!
I never wake up 45 minutes later.
It turns out either I was racked by emotional guilt (about 15%) or the 26 pounds of beef, cheese, and potato over dinner was keeping me up (about 85%). Anyhow, I couldn't sleep, so I switched my mattress so I faced the window instead of the door. I listened to U2, which is good for pondering all the Big Questions.
And sometime between 5 and 6, I actually slept.
My friends are good people.
And increasingly, the only ones I trust.
Are You Gonna Go My Way? Lenny Kravitz
Black Friday
- Went to bed 2 or 3 hours early instead of staying up and writing to chase a job.
- Got up 2 or 3 hours early to go to the interview for the temp position.
- Bus.
- Trolley.
- Bus.
- Short walk.
- 30 minutes of paperwork.
- The interview. "We can't use you. You just got fired from there."
- My supervisor and her supervisor are my recommendations, at their behest, by the way.
- Playlists > Artists > Rage Against the Machine > Play All
- Now, I would go home and drink, but I have to sell my digital camera for the 4th time.
- This is a joke. I always set these appointments (one this past weekend) and they pull out.
- Rob tries to keep me from pulling a Nathan Petrelli. It barely works.
- I bet him they don't show.
- I get there 15 minutes early.
- I wait for 45 minutes.
- They don't show.
- I go home.
- Quickfly through the Internet.
- Am so aggrieved and about to implode I take all that stress and fall asleep.
- I wake up a couple hours later. My parents have gone to a high school basketball game.
- My brother never played.
- And graduated in June.
- And is here trying to get together with his possible girlfriend.
- They come home.
- No cake.
- No ice cream.
- Nothing resembling a present.
- My dinner is almost two hot dogs.
- This is hour 2 of debating whether murder or murder/suicide is the new black.
all had to sacrifice themselves for penance.
Six Feet Under No Doubt
Now Celebrating Nearly Three Decades Of Excellence
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful, baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five
I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
What it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign
I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm shy but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chicken shit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby
And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
What it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxicab...
Hand In My Pocket Alanis Morissette
Everything Great Gets A Sequel
You can imagine the fun.
name: 15 Milliseconds Of Fame
password: dwangela
Tomorrow's the greaaaaaaatest/day I've ever known...
Iesha Another Bad Creation
Radio Free Chula? Supersize Me!
By the way, as of right now, 4,253 songs.
Things Radio Should Play And Don't: The Game & Kanye's "Wouldn't Get Far" (maybe the best diss track in the past 3 years) and the Hold Steady's "Stuck Between Stations".
We swing you back to your normal top 15--
"When You Were Young" - 7
"Wind It Up" - 10
"White And Nerdy" - 11
15. Gym Class Heroes / / Cupid's Chokehold (debut)
14. Ludacris feat. Pharrell / / Money Maker (6)
13. The Fray / / How To Save A Life (return)
12. Gwen Stefani feat. Akon / / The Sweet Escape (14)*
11. Fergie / / Fergalicious (9)
10. Red Hot Chili Peppers / Snow (Hey Oh) (15)*
9. Incubus / Anna Molly (4)
8. Fat Joe feat. Lil' Wayne / Make It Rain (13)*
7. Snoop Dogg feat. R.Kelly / That's That (5)
6. John Mayer / Waiting On The World To Change (2)
5. Incubus - Dig (debut)
4. Modest Mouse - Dashboard (8)*
3. Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race (12)*
2. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right (3)*
1. Beyonce - Irreplaceable (1) [1m]
Lovefool the Cardigans
And The Friday Barometer's Heart Expanded Three Times That Day
Thirdly, my friends are SROing the birthday party next week. Some cute girls, too.
Let us pray.
Secondly, milling around downtown, I met Ryan Hansen. THE Dick Casablancas.
Yes, again. See?
SHOCKER! They were filming at a college, and it turns out Ryan is very impressed with my Brooke Burke wallpaper. The one worrying thing is the look on his face when I revealed I was the guy who got his arm signed. I can only wonder what stories have been told on set. Tragically, I was so overcome by the moment that I forgot to invite the cast to my birthday party. Now that would've been a damn scene and a half.
And ultimately I got home from all of that to find out KS & Rob tag teamed back again to get me the iPod of my dreams. Even if my brother beat me to it by a few weeks, it's par excellence, as the French would say. So I have to figure it out before I get some belts at the bar and hit the casino and decide if I'm going to hit the club for free tomorrow night the week before the real partay or not.
Like the kid in Almost Famous said: it's all happening.
Welcome to Jamrock Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley
I Want To See The Sun Blotted Out By The Sky
2) Victor's is pretty.
3) Jen's is pretty.
4) Looks oh-so-very badassed.
5) Felt like it.
So that's why.
Push It (Salt-N-Pepa)/Connection (Elastica) Girl Talk live in Chicago New Year's Eve/Day
My cold just ejaculated so hard I don't know where the snot ends and the tears
in my bleary eyes begin.
The perfect job went to somebody else. Yup, again.
The creditors won't stop calling.
Pretty soon I'll be behind in the rent, too.
I'm behind on writing, so at least it'll match.
I've got one good thing in my life and it's not for two weeks.
Posts format weirdly now.
Yeah, here's your f'n Barometer (and the video went down!
State Of the Reality-Based Union Address
Good evening.
I'm Senator Jim Webb, from Virginia, where this year we will celebrate the 400th anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown - an event that marked the first step in the long journey that has made us the greatest and most prosperous nation on earth.
It would not be possible in this short amount of time to actually rebut the President's message, nor would it be useful. Let me simply say that we in the Democratic Party hope that this administration is serious about improving education and healthcare for all Americans, and addressing such domestic priorities as restoring the vitality of New Orleans.
Further, this is the seventh time the President has mentioned energy independence in his state of the union message, but for the first time this exchange is taking place in a Congress led by the Democratic Party. We are looking for affirmative solutions that will strengthen our nation by freeing us from our dependence on foreign oil, and spurring a wave of entrepreneurial growth in the form of alternate energy programs. We look forward to working with the President and his party to bring about these changes.
There are two areas where our respective parties have largely stood in contradiction, and I want to take a few minutes to address them tonight. The first relates to how we see the health of our economy - how we measure it, and how we ensure that its benefits are properly shared among all Americans. The second regards our foreign policy - how we might bring the war in Iraq to a proper conclusion that will also allow us to continue to fight the war against international terrorism, and to address other strategic concerns that our country faces around the world.
When one looks at the health of our economy, it's almost as if we are living in two different countries. Some say that things have never been better. The stock market is at an all-time high, and so are corporate profits. But these benefits are not being fairly shared. When I graduated from college, the average corporate CEO made 20 times what the average worker did; today, it's nearly 400 times. In other words, it takes the average worker more than a year to make the money that his or her boss makes in one day.
Wages and salaries for our workers are at all-time lows as a percentage of national wealth, even though the productivity of American workers is the highest in the world. Medical costs have skyrocketed. College tuition rates are off the charts. Our manufacturing base is being dismantled and sent overseas. Good American jobs are being sent along with them.
In short, the middle class of this country, our historic backbone and our best hope for a strong society in the future, is losing its place at the table. Our workers know this, through painful experience. Our white-collar professionals are beginning to understand it, as their jobs start disappearing also. And they expect, rightly, that in this age of globalization, their government has a duty to insist that their concerns be dealt with fairly in the international marketplace.
In the early days of our republic, President Andrew Jackson established an important principle of American-style democracy - that we should measure the health of our society not at its apex, but at its base. Not with the numbers that come out of Wall Street, but with the living conditions that exist on Main Street. We must recapture that spirit today.
And under the leadership of the new Democratic Congress, we are on our way to doing so. The House just passed a minimum wage increase, the first in ten years, and the Senate will soon follow. We've introduced a broad legislative package designed to regain the trust of the American people. We've established a tone of cooperation and consensus that extends beyond party lines. We're working to get the right things done, for the right people and for the right reasons.
With respect to foreign policy, this country has patiently endured a mismanaged war for nearly four years. Many, including myself, warned even before the war began that it was unnecessary, that it would take our energy and attention away from the larger war against terrorism, and that invading and occupying Iraq would leave us strategically vulnerable in the most violent and turbulent corner of the world.
I want to share with all of you a picture that I have carried with me for more than 50 years. This is my father, when he was a young Air Force captain, flying cargo planes during the Berlin Airlift. He sent us the picture from Germany, as we waited for him, back here at home. When I was a small boy, I used to take the picture to bed with me every night, because for more than three years my father was deployed, unable to live with us full-time, serving overseas or in bases where there was no family housing. I still keep it, to remind me of the sacrifices that my mother and others had to make, over and over again, as my father gladly served our country. I was proud to follow in his footsteps, serving as a Marine in Vietnam. My brother did as well, serving as a Marine helicopter pilot. My son has joined the tradition, now serving as an infantry Marine in Iraq.
Like so many other Americans, today and throughout our history, we serve and have served, not for political reasons, but because we love our country. On the political issues - those matters of war and peace, and in some cases of life and death - we trusted the judgment of our national leaders. We hoped that they would be right, that they would measure with accuracy the value of our lives against the enormity of the national interest that might call upon us to go into harm's way.
We owed them our loyalty, as Americans, and we gave it. But they owed us - sound judgment, clear thinking, concern for our welfare, a guarantee that the threat to our country was equal to the price we might be called upon to pay in defending it.
The President took us into this war recklessly. He disregarded warnings from the national security adviser during the first Gulf War, the chief of staff of the army, two former commanding generals of the Central Command, whose jurisdiction includes Iraq, the director of operations on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many, many others with great integrity and long experience in national security affairs. We are now, as a nation, held hostage to the predictable - and predicted - disarray that has followed.
The war's costs to our nation have been staggering.
The damage to our reputation around the world.
The lost opportunities to defeat the forces of international terrorism.
And especially the precious blood of our citizens who have stepped forward to serve.
The majority of the nation no longer supports the way this war is being fought; nor does the majority of our military. We need a new direction. Not one step back from the war against international terrorism. Not a precipitous withdrawal that ignores the possibility of further chaos. But an immediate shift toward strong regionally-based diplomacy, a policy that takes our soldiers off the streets of Iraq's cities, and a formula that will in short order allow our combat forces to leave Iraq.
On both of these vital issues, our economy and our national security, it falls upon those of us in elected office to take action.
Regarding the economic imbalance in our country, I am reminded of the situation President Theodore Roosevelt faced in the early days of the 20th century. America was then, as now, drifting apart along class lines. The so-called robber barons were unapologetically raking in a huge percentage of the national wealth. The dispossessed workers at the bottom were threatening revolt.
Roosevelt spoke strongly against these divisions. He told his fellow Republicans that they must set themselves "as resolutely against improper corporate influence on the one hand as against demagogy and mob rule on the other." And he did something about it.
As I look at Iraq, I recall the words of former general and soon-to-be President Dwight Eisenhower during the dark days of the Korean War, which had fallen into a bloody stalemate. "When comes the end?" asked the General who had commanded our forces in Europe during World War Two. And as soon as he became President, he brought the Korean War to an end.
These Presidents took the right kind of action, for the benefit of the American people and for the health of our relations around the world.
Tonight we are calling on this President to take similar action, in both areas. If he does, we will join him. If he does not, we will be showing him the way.
Thank you for listening. And God bless America.
Maggie's Farm Rage Against the Machine cover