
Is Kristen Bell Gon Have To Choke A Bitch?

If this don't get refuted, someone's catching a body bag...
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The day we’ve all dreaded has come, tubers.

With actual tears in my eyes, I must tell you that I’ve heard from several solid sources that the CW has decided not to bring Veronica Mars back for a fourth season.

Though official word has not yet come down from the network, I did hear from creator Rob Thomas earlier this week, who told me things weren’t looking good: “I’ve never been less certain of our fate. I’m afraid I’ve gone from cautiously optimistic to something less than that.”

More on this later. I’m just too distraught to write more right now.
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To everybody watching American Idol and Bootleg Dr. Cox--thanks a whole fucking bunch.  You've done Osama proud.   I'm going drinking.

Get Back Ludacris

1 comment:

Libby said...

I wouldn't watch American Idol if there was a gun to my head.

Was the other one House? I don't watch that either.