
This Year's Con: Baby Steps

There are way more one-hitters than no-hitters. And way more no-hitters than perfect games.

So for the first day ever at Comic-Con, I didn't meet anybody famous. Though I could've met Virgil! ("You said famous!") Iyari no-showed, which was mildly distressing, and I didn't get to break to see John Kricfalusi. Ah, well. I did, in the interests of fairness, get a shot with a smoking hot Leialike, so the day wasn't a complete wash. Yeah, the Force was with me...in my pants!

Classics are classics because they're always good.

Tomorrow & Saturday are the big star-gazing days, though it's going to be fun this weekend with the Padres back in the Litterbox across the street from the year the Con quite possibly breaks six digits.

And as my tired head hits the pillow tonight, a little voice will go "Portman, take me away!"...

This post brought to you BAH: "Megalomaniac" by Incubus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second the hotness of the Leialike.-Aaron