
Work ChummmmmmmmmmmmmmmPs

My usual Saturday night I head downtown, across the street from work, and wander Fourth and Fifth Avenues looking for a good place to get up on the goodfoot, drink, and be merry.

What'd I do at work today?

Wandered Fourth & Fifth Avenues plugging the Comic-Con.

They said some people found it hard. I said "Some people need to try doing it every other Saturday with seven beers in them at 2 in the morning with two girls using you as a crutch to keep themselves upright."

Oh, and there was a metric shitload of hot hostesses out, including a really cute British girl with blue eyes working--where else--at a Mexican restaurant.

And I got off two and a half hours early.


Current music:
"In The Garage (live)" by Weezer

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