
Version II. A Co-Host? And I'm Not Even Kevin Eubanks.

Version II. A Co-Host? And I'm Not Even Kevin Eubanks.
On the heels of watching High Fidelity, I get the invite to ASCTR version II. I'm the kid behind the register who refuses to sell you a record to be a jerk, and Butch is the owner guy who tells you, "I'd refused to sell it cause HE'S WHITEY. Just to see the look on his face! Little nerdy fucker. Probably listens to Journey."

In case you don't know me, yo me llamo Rob T. I'm absurdly white, but Butch puts up with me anyway. Probably because of all the bribes I've sent his way and the fact that I convinced him he would be able to score in Vegas. So cruel, so cruel....I've been told I have my funny moments, but that is a matter of some debate. I like football, yes I do. Formerly, I was employed for some five years and change as a manager at the Butch-coined Big Head Enterprises. Right now, I just kinda sit around and be cynical, kinda like Butch was before he got this job as Kevin Spacey, the air traffic controlllllah. But he gets to quite possibly see and meet Eliza and Kevin Smith and I sit here and blog for you, so who's really got the last laugh there? I've also got my own blog, and it's linked over there.

Since this IS Rollerball Butch blog, and we're all about hot womenz, PLAYMATES!. Be good or at least hide the bodies well, people.

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