
Today's brain farts after seven Bean-O-less hours

Today's brain farts after seven Bean-O-less hours
*Due to my odd schedule, I was the only one at my briefing today. Of course it began twenty minutes late and what info I didn't figure out from sussing out the sheet was all of three seconds. Check cashes the same. God bless America.

*I get assigned to the far south end of the building and upstairs to boot. This'll become important later.

*You know, maybe it's just the fact I dealt with Starbucks-mainlining ex-junkies on Cuatro de Julio at 1:45 in the morning after a WAR concert but in comparison cartographers are a LOT easier to deal with. They're all--to a fault, nearly--REALLY quiet, focused, and plugged in from the womb. In some small and major ways it was like watching my creation Keith Scott Zimmerman surge to life. At least the opening session they got some booze, which made them seem less like cyborgs and more like people. Pretty boring people, mind, but certainly nothing to fuss over.

*Sometimes, in the ebbs of the job, I feel like a glorified Barky the Dog. "No, I'm NOT sure where it is. I have a very good idea of where my foot'll be! Care to wager a guess?"

*They shut down my area around 8:20. Off went the escalators and the lights dimmed with time. Some of the more astute of you may know my shift was until 10. And now, a look inside my head during the final hour plus:

i am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch
crazy going slowly am i 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch
i am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch
crazy going slowly am i 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch

No, I didn't think/sing that the entire time, but it was long enough to make me pause for a second and think--"Hell, maybe I really AM going crazy. What if I am already and can't tell?"

Then I realized in essence I was getting paid while thinking this train of thought and let out a laugh that let me know one thing in no uncertain terms: LOON.

*You know what's hilarious when you put the Police's Greatest Hits on random? Hearing "Every Breath You Take" immediately followed by "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic". I need to buy some CDs for the first time in like two years. N.E.R.D's, the last Coldplay & Norah Jones for sleepytimes.

So this is the Eye of the Storm. I'm still here. And tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after.

Be'lie dat, playa.

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