
Finally, I Can Put All This Useless Knowledge To Use!

So, I'm in a celebrity fantasy league. Points and everything.

And if you as a friend of the Empire of Rosser would like me to kick your monkey ass, find the private league Celebs On A Blog, use firecrotch as the password, and sit back and wait for the smacktalk to begin.

The Gibson Conspiracy Theorists look forward to 0w1ng j00.

By The Time I Get To Arizona
Public Enemy


Jen61377 said...

Approximate number of people who have mailed this link to Bill Simmons: Six million.

Oricon Ailin said...

That's an interesting looking game. *giggles* I had heard of Fantasy Football...but Celebrity Fantasy league...that could get REALLY interesting!

Have fun!

Deborah said...

A shame I didn't catch this sooner and sign up. Looks like your league is full...

Besides, SOMEONE got their hands on my star player: ME. :P