
The Highly Elusive Monday Barometer

BUSH: My Grandma's been in the hospital a couple times since the last post, for one-day stays. The family's been rotating to make sure someone's always around her until we can get her a home, but she seems to be getting better with time. She has lost a bunch of weight, which at her age can't be good. On the other hand I think all the intrafamily drama bullshit has effectively come to an end for the time being to further the greater good. The future is certain, David Byrne once wrote. Give us time to work it out.

ALBA: Paulena's birthday party last Friday. Ran into two more girls I hadn't seen in forever, one partying and one waitressing. Plus, I got to hang out with a bunch of Aaron's people that I hardly ever see, too. Too bad Ivan skipped out. I guess.

BUSH: I still haven't gone on a date this year. I'm about to blow the last hurdle of my 3-month resolutions. Grrr...

ALBA: I did send the Crush a note yesterday which got replied back to today. I wish it was longer, but she did sound interested in the Rosserverse. The future is certain...

ALBA: Two great books in two completely different ways, The Year Of Yes & Never Drank The Kool-Aid. I love Toure--he's like a quasi mentor. The man put in "hip-hop zeitgeist" and survived Suge Knight. And the Year book didn't change my dating philsophy at all but I feel somehow enriched for having read her experience. Probably because I was so miserable on Hallmark Day.

BUSH: I don't know why Cristal is suddenly popping up on the outskirts of the grid. Well, I have a supicion she took my friendly gift for her covering for me on New Year's Eve--and by the way, really wasn't worth it in the hindsight--into some sign of me wanting to get back together. And I think she wants to. And I don't. And lord help me if I have to tell her that. Somehow the phrase "bottom-feeding scum sucker" seems wholly appropriate and underwhelming in the same fell swoop.

ALBA: Music? Glad you asked! "Black Sweat" from Prince; funky. "Temperature" by Sean Paul. Do I know what the fuck he's saying in the verses? Does it matter? (In order: no. yes.) And, most importantly, a cover of "What You Waiting For?"...by Franz Ferdinand. No, seriously. And closing things out with a snippet of "White Wedding" was just really the icing on the cupcake. This week's throwback was almost "Electric Relaxation" by Tribe, and then almost "Make It Real" by the Jets (because everybody sleeps on the Jets), but it's my favorite diss track of all time, "No Vaseline" by Cube. Yea-yea!

ALBA: I forgot to mention at Paulena's birthday party, I did the splits. I'm NOT too old for this shit!

BUSH: Unfortunately, about 50 yards away after the party across the street from where me & Aaron's posse was...and sometimes you just know from sound how this one's going to end.

ALBA: The FSU cowgirls --> Back when I was 5, I thought I should've gone. Now I know. 5-year-old me was a psychic genius.

ALBA: Chappelle's Block Party coming out Friday. I think this and V For Vendetta are the only things I'm really psyched for movie-wise. Well, at least until Final Destination 4 comes out...

ALBA: New World Poker Tour next week! YEAH!

np: "Respect Yourself" by the Staple Singers


Matt said...

Both the book links lead to The Year Of Yes.

Daniel Womack said...

I can only give you the same wish that you mentioned in the blog..that your family has the time to sort it out. Like YEARS. Years of productive and healthy time. Decades even. OK I'm getting rediculous but if it's productive and healthy, why not?