
Friday Barometer

ALBA: Payday!

ALBA: Finally getting a day in to use that Best Buy card from Christmas--look forward to doing it again in 51 weeks...

ALBA: The Wedding Singer for $5.

BUSH: No Wilbon on PTI today! Like finding out Salma Hayek's been replaced in your threesome by Rob Schneider, it really is.

BUSH: Tom Brady talking about disrespect. Hey, Tom, let's change lives, and you can be a black man barely surviving from check to check forced to dress in a train conductor's outfit answering the same dumb 5 questions 25 hours a week and not fucking Bridget what's-her-face and then get back to me about that. Ludicrous. The Pats are the fifth-best team in a six-team playoff, and Jen, if Corey Dillon chooses now to show up after Billy Gunning my '05 fantasy season I'm sending a Molotov cocktail 12-pack through his mansion windows.

ALBA: The Pats (for this week), the Bengals (which means I'm going to hide from my mother once the game's over), the Bucs, and the Panthers with the assumption Good Charlotte shows up this week instead of the Bad one.

ALBA: It's 84. No, really. Santa Ana. Yes, it's January 6th. Yes, you can curse me all you want. I'm rocking a 'Bron jersey and shorts. In the immortal word of Brian Griffin: FACE!

ALBA: My new hero Omar, for going into the booth of a strip club in Tijuana and coming out employed. (Also a few ounces lighter, but...)

BUSH: Missing Dave serve the Big Giant Head like a Baked Alaska Tuesday night until last night as a result of the above. The early clubhouse leader of '06 quote of the year--"I have the feeling that about 60% of what you say is crap."--oh, yeah. That sound you heard in the background is a man across the river from the Sullivan almost laughing himself sick. But what to call him? K. Olbermann? No, that's too obvious...let's say Keith O...

ALBA: The first new innovation of the new year Barometer-wise--a plug for the Old School Song of the Week. There were a lot of contenders today, but I'll go with the 808 remix by Blaque. Just barely, though--the last time I heard Another Bad Creation I still thought people could spontaneously combust by having sex.

ALBA: I don't want to confirm anything before confirmation, but Miss S. and I are probably getting together for a date in the near future.

ALBA: The possibility of a two-town four-day birthday celebration next month.

np: the Happy Happy Joy Joy song. Seriously.

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