
She Said, He Said

"I'm not coming--and you KNOW why."

"You might think I'm being dumb about this, but I'm a man who knows his history. Not just personal, but world history. And right now the only thing I can think about is Lincoln freeing the slaves--which means YOU DON'T OWN ME. You want to step off the crazy ledge, you have the number."

You know, out of all the large black objects I want to hit pretty girls with, the one at the end of my hand is Option B. But there you go.

We'll see if any more red ink gets spilled on this page...

Ambient music: #6, U2 - Vertigo

1 comment:

Daniel Womack said...

This from my wife. She's a wise woman. Pay attention:

You are dealing with an unreasonable girl. You haven't been together for more than a date or two. This "thing" hasn't even had enough time to start developing into any type of relationship and she's already getting jealous over some ex? You stood your ground and stayed polite and that makes you a man. She's being petty and "chickish" and she needs to learn to be a woman before she can step to a "man".

Her words not mine. However in her wisdom and the fact that she's got this vagina that I lack which actually gives her some sort of advantage in authority on women. So I'll second her opinion. Drop the weapon and run. The only problem with this situation is she knows your number and she knows where you work. Lucky for you she'll need a ticket (or good timing on the streets) to get to you. Run. You are just starting to see the tip of how her last relationship ended. Don't to see how deep the iceberg goes. Just know it's an iceberg and move on.