
We Gon Rock This Muthafucka Like Three The Hard Way

Theivery abounds.

This here from Gwen. Who got it from Jason. Who got it from Grant. Who was a key grip on Wild Things WITH...you guessed it, Kevin Bacon.

10 years ago today, I...
1) ...was 15.
2) ...living at the last place I lived before this one.
3) ...beginning to settle in and feel comfortable at high school; as comfortable as one can feel given it's high school.

5 years ago today, I...
1) ...was plowing through my first go-round at community college to moderate success.
2) ...was taking English from the Lewis Black of teaching, someone who will get their due if the novel ever comes.
3) ...was convinced this Y2K thing was going to be a gateway to guilt-free looting. (Stupid lying government.)

3 years ago today, I...
1) ... was back here.
2) ...would've been clinically depressed if someone offical had been around to diagnose me, and borderline suicidal.
3) ...was seriously debating whether or not to flee to Canada. I still think I might.

A year ago today, I...
1) ...was absolutely flummoxed the Terminator got voted governor, as I had the good sense to vote for Larry Flynt.
2) ...still sucked at bowling.
3) ...just beginning to get over three years ago and going out at night like a normal single reasonably attractive man. Shut up, I am.

So far this year, I...
1) ...have loved and lost.
2) ...have nearly doubled my bowling average.
3) ...have given in and bought a cell phone I am now addicted to as I slowly become everything I ever hated this time last year. "Ew! People dating! HEY! Get off the cell phone so I can buy this vodka! Grr! Argh!"

Yesterday, I...
1) ...heard my dad cry for the first time in almost forever because a distant aunt died, and it shook me.
2) ...called up local hotels to figure out where the Project New Year's Eve Mayhem party I'm--hosting, for lack of a better term--could be held within reasonable price with proximity to work (working the International Auto Show probably both Eve & Day like last year).
3) ...spell-checked most of the novel to this point, took out something old and put in a new scene.

Today, I....
1) ...bought an Eric B. & Rakim comp CD, though I was rrrrrreally tempted to buy this Duffman vest-type-thing.
2) ...downloaded Liz Phair's cover of "Turning Japanese".
3) ...got a surprising $20 from my mom, the first free money I've gotten from her since the job kicked in. DEFINITELY the first since I started paying rent.

Tomorrow, I...
1) ...plan to use Mom's $20 to start a grass-roots investment in a major international company. Now, who makes Heineken?
2) ...am going to get down, and hopefully my revenge for the massive cockblockery that was this year's 9/11.
3) ...plan to use my last day off of the week to cram as much college football in as the clicker will allow. And hopefully win this Tribe anthology CD off eBay.

Final thoughts. Butch at 15?
"Who needs action when you've got words?" Kurt Cobain.

Ah, a particular favorite. Butch at 20, get after it.
"Can't nobody break my stride. Can't nobody hold me down. Oh, no. I got to keep on movin'..."

Hey, I wasn't fully cynical yet. 22-year-old Butch, bum everybody out.
"I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel. I focus on the pain--the only thing that's real."

Things'll get better, playa. Wait until you hear the Johnny Cash version. That reminds me--you'll like Johnny Cash. Sensible shoe Butch?
"Love ain't the answer, nor is it work. The truth eludes me so much it hurts. But I'm still having fun, and I guess that's the key. I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep being me."

Ambient music:
Gin Blossoms - Day Job

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many apologies for what has been described as "massive cockblockery"... -Aaron