
the Biggest Con of Them All & the Man With A Satisfied Mind

I told y'all today would be boring in comparison.

Irulan & Alton said goodbye.   Jennifer Tilly walked right by me--this time I was smart enough to follow and get shots.  See, that's the big thing about me.  I don't dodge guilt.  And I don't Jew out of comeuppance.

Now let me read my second program (Iyari's not catching me "cheating" on her next year):

To Butch:
There's your name.
Michael Madsen.
P.S.  You SUCK, Michael Dupin.
All right, I made up the P.S. but everything else is truth.com.  And with that, the Pandora's Box closes for another year.  Time for a week of putting my feet up and learning how to fucking kick in NCAA '05.  But if these passings and fleeting meetings have taught me anything, it's this:

Michael Keith Dupin = loser.

Ambient music: the Strokes' "Reptilia"

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