
Led Zeppelin IV (BAH)

I've given all I can it's not enough...

This is one of those days where I keep drowing in the quicksand that is general idiocy and there's not a rope in sight to save me. I sit around waiting to get in my room--let alone on the comp--for another 40 minutes because my mother has to finish a CROSSWORD PUZZLE. No, I don't only have six hours of free time less showering less dinner before I have to go to sleep so I can wake up at 4 again like I did today! By all means, take your time! I don't mind changing in the bathroom; carnies do it ALLLLLLLLL the time! THAT fun bit came on the heels of the bastard who drove the bus I was going to take off while the trolley was still pulling into the station so there went another half hour.

And THEY come on the heels of the fat stupid cow from The Company That Hired Dickhole (lets, I dunno, for the sake of hilarity, call them STAFFPRO) and complained that early in my shift I badgered (read: asked twice) Optometrist registrars about a different seminar since the signs for them were in front of their registration--what was left since they closed out at 9 and that I was pacing for hours afterwards (read: you know, the way a policeman is pacing when he works his beat). Sorry you stupid white bitches haven't seen a black man without a mop in his hands before: welcome to 2003. Then I come to find out from my supervisor that Fat Stupid Cow's been in a mood all day because not only has no one milked her since darn near Tuesday but she was in histrionics at 3:30 this morning because the vending machine ate her two dollar bill. F'n psycho. What sort of assclowns is StaffPro hiring? Give us your retarded, your psychotic, your fucking stupid masses yearning to drag others down? MY BOSSES were supposed to be dickholes, mkay? THAT I would've expected. THAT I would've known how to deal with. But when the people I work with that I don't even work with tag me twice in my first four days for the glorification of their own inadequacies, let the bodies hit the floor. One more incident of that shit before Wednesday and the neighbors and colleages are going to be telling the 11:00 News how I didn't say much and kept to myself.

So congratuations to Big Fat Cow, who takes her place alongside Dickhole (I was going to call him Manpussy but that sounds like a Bond Villian and they're all cool) atop the Rosser Shitlist. Tell Carson Daly and the guy who decided to not make Bring It On NC-17 to scooch.

Between all that and the June Gloom that's been here since April, DADDY NEEDS A CALMATIVE. Nothing else happened today. YET.

Oh, if you like Charlie's Angels, get the Maxim, if not, don't.

To Do:
--reschedule 3rd and 4th
--write PPV Match due Saturday
--d/l "Prove My Love", "Run Rabbit Run", and "Don't Let's Start"
--finish 80s list sometime before the end of the month

Nothing ever grows and the sun doesn't shine all day, tried to save myself but myself kept slipping away...

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